Oct 23, 2008

Out with the Old

And in with the new!

We are really appreciating some of the new stuff we have in the new house and a couple new things we got to go with the new house.

1. Remote Control Fan: Love the remote feature and also how it is docked on the light switch if we want it there too. Only spooky thing is that the fan will just click on all by itself at various times of the day and night. Creepy. I am sure it is just interference with all the monitors and remote controlled things we have. Josh suspects that we are turning our neighbors fans on and off and vice versa. :)

2. DVR and HD: With the new TV we got a month ago we also signed ourselves up for a long awaited DVR which Josh adores...I have yet to make use of it. Plus, I really prefer watching prime time shows and football live anyway. And the high definition channels are, of course, so great. But my sister and I agree that sometimes the picture is so clear, so crisp that it hurts your eyes.

3. Recliner: We waffled on whether or not to get one of these for my entire pregnancy. We opted to wait though since our house was on the market...too much furniture does not help sell a space you know. So when I got home from the hospital with the promised painful recovery for my C-section - well, a recliner quickly became a must if I was going to be any help feeding Anna and also because it was so painful trying to get in and out of bed. Josh and his dad jetted to LaZBoy and got us one the very first day we were home and delivered it right upstairs beside the bed. But, now it is in the living room and Noah is all about it.

4. Flat-top Cooking Surface: Just love it. That's all.

5. In-the-door Ice Maker: We have not had this convenience for our entire marriage. Just never worked out with whatever fridge we aquired whenever we moved. To make matters worse, our last house didn't even have an ice maker AT ALL! So you can call me fat, dumb, and happy to have an ice maker now, and in the door to boot!

6. Deck: I didn't realize when we picked this house how nice the back deck would be. We really like being able to step into the back yard but not have to step around dirt, leaves, sand, etc. Just a nice, clean, protected space outside for the table, chairs, grill, us, etc.

7. Playroom: Yes, yes I knew how important this sort of space would be to us. We had one upstairs in the last house and Noah really broke it in. But now, we have this space on the main floor, just across from the living room and down the hall from the kitchen. So much more convenient!

8. Cul-de-Sac Living: Loving how kid-friendly it is (meaning safer than a regular street with typical thru traffic) and also how much quieter as a result.

9. Noah's new Allergist: Dr. Kenneth Babe. That makes him Dr. Babe. Seriously - how does one say this with a straight face? It's like something right out of Grey's Anatomy with their whole Dr. McDreamy/McSteamy collection. Anyway, Dr. Babe has been very thorough and helpful with new questions/concerns we have had and he has also given us new hope that Noah's peanut allergy might not be as severe as we worry it could be, if it even exists at all. But we still have to give it time before the next test.

10. Vietnam Veteran's Blvd: Just so new and nice to drive on. New development will change that I am sure...but there is still time to enjoy the peaceful drive and view and convenient trips to all the places I need to get to.

11. John Deere Mower: After Josh parted with his giant devil mower, we had to quickly replace it with something more fitting the house/yard we moved to. So this is it. And Noah just adores being pulled behind it in the cart.

I can't tell who is enjoying themselves more - the kids or the daddies. :)

Noah sharing his sad face with the world when it is time to get out of the mower cart.


Emily said...

you forgot one more thing...
Having all the bedrooms upstairs! So you don't have to worry about being quiet on the main floor! Lee and I think it's fantastic! We want all our bedrooms upstairs too!
And by the way, I LOVE Noah's face on the next to last picture...looks like a little boy...not baby boy!

Heather said...

Love the list Kimmie! Oh, DVR's are fantastic! Great to tape a show for the kids and have it on demand! And for me too. I like to watch shows live too, but seems like Kore's sports or movies win most of the time. In order not to go to my own corner of the house and watch something on our other tiny t.v., I simply record mine and find time the next day while the kids sleep to watch. What a simple yet amazing feature the ice maker and pure water that comes out of the fridge. Call us spoiled! Oh...completely agre with Emily's bedrooms on one floor. Love having all bedrooms on the top floor! Glad you are enjoying your new home!

Alison said...

on an hour show, you only have to wait 20 minutes and then you can watch commercial free! Think of all the time you can save! :)

Oh, and I love a cul-de-sac too - didn't realize it at the time we bought the house, but couldn't live without it now!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Babe...how funny! Reminds me of the odd name of our kids' orthodontist, Dr. Rape...hmmm. Nice guy though. : )

Unknown said...

I waited almost 20 (countem!) years for a fridge with an ice maker and went without any ice maker at all for more than ten years! seriously! I understand your joy! we miss you.