Oct 12, 2008

Crying Jags and other Nonsense

I remember now why I am NOT a baby person, why Joshua and I set out (and will immediately return) to adopt older children, and why we are NOT having any more babies in our family: They cry! And oftentimes they cry for seemingly no reason at all, except gas, which apparently our Anna has a lot of. She keeps me pretty frazzled with her inconsolable 2 hour crying jags a day...usually at night, mind you. She and I are both very lucky to have Josh - so available, so patient, so NOT flustered by all the crying or my overly anxious responses to all of said crying. He never fails to soothe her some way or another that I couldn't. I am so afraid her pediatrician will say that dreaded word at her 2 week appt. on Tuesday - Colic. Then the story will really be "Woe is Me."

We have had a busy week with Emily and her two babies, Brooklyn and Natalie, here keeping us company and helping out. Noah and Brooklyn really love playing together...when they are not irritating the mess out of each other. This has been a new and trying development in the way these two interact.

We are trying to just chalk it up to the terrible two's when we aren't already blaming the other kid for whatever incident has just transpired. :) Seriously though...it WAS Brooklyn's fault, whatever it was. :) We have figured out, though, that they get along ten times better when there are not toys around that fit into their hands. They play better outside, or with big, climbable equipment, or Josh...whichever is more readily available. That is why you would see a slide, fort, and tunnel all crowding our living room right now. Lee getting here Friday night was another welcome toddler resource after a full week of kid-style sparring. :)

For the record, Noah has learned some new words that I love to hear him say: Mine (ok, so I don't care so much for this word), dideo (video), chi (chip), punkee (pumpkin), and ahta (outside). It is a real treat to watch him learning so fast right now. Not so much of a treat was last Sunday night when Noah was throwing up all night. Poor baby. We figured out the following morning that it was some questionable milk...we think. At any rate, no one else got sick. And Josh was super-daddy holding him all night and sleeping next to Noah's bed on the floor waiting for the next sicky spell.

And here are some odd and ends I have been keeping in mind to share...

1. Our next door neighbor is an Elvis impersonator. He is also a published author, which is cool, but the Elvis thing is more interesting to tell. His business magnet on his car actually says "Elvis for Hire." I forget what his day job is, but I am sure it doesn't make you grin like hearing Elvis impersonator. :)

2. I used that formidable breast pump and it is not bad at all...and Anna took to the first couple Playtex bottles real easy...the drop ins kind. SO that is a relief to have on hand when I am desperate for an uninterrupted nap or when we need to head out with her and plan to feed her as well.

3. How odd is this?? Anna has a blonde patch of hair on top of her head. And the more I see it, the cooler it is to me.

4. Is anyone else tired of hearing about and seeing Hannah Montana's face on everything in stores and on TV? Is it just me? And I know I have gotten grumpy over the last two weeks, but still, if I have to hear the word/words "bailout package" one more time, I think I might actually breakdown and cry out of frustration.

5. What the heck is wrong with Auburn?! It is a good thing I am too tired to really be disappointed with how the season is turning out.

6. Everyone should move to the Nashville area - we are loving it more and more every day.

7. By now you should have received the moving/birth announcements we sent out. If not, it is possible I don't have your address, so let me know and I will fix that. They turned out so beautiful - thanks to my sweetheart of a friend, Shannon. She gifted me with designing them and I love, love, love how they turned out. Check out Shannon's stuff online at www.bluebirdgreetings.com. Thanks, Shannon!

Emily made us get a good family picture yesterday while out. This is the ONE shot out of a ton that actually has all our eyes open and facing the camera. This picture taking got real difficult, real quick! Anna looks more and more like Josh every day, don't you think?


Elizabeth Bradley said...

What a great family pic! I'm glad you kept taking them until you got one you liked. As for Anna looking like Josh... um yes, I'd have to say she does. I thought it when I saw her hospital pics, but it's even more obvious now! She looks so tiny in your family photo!

Elvis impersonator... should make for some interesting stories. While visiting friends in Manitoba recently, we met one of their friends who is an Elvis impersonator... quite an interesting fellow! ;)

Alison said...

All I have to say is that I'm sorry you got Kara's clone. I am seriously feeling your pain. I guess now wouldn't be a good time to tell you that it gets a little better at a year?? :)

Loved the announcements!

We almost went to the game on Saturday....so glad we didn't - what the heck?

Unknown said...

I have to first say that I LOVE your family picture. You all are the cutest family! Anna definitely makes Noah look sooo much bigger.

I have no advice on the crying baby thing. I sure hope it's not colic. I have always said that I will be doomed with our second child. Jacob never cried unless he was needing something. Did she have a vaccine or anything? Sometimes that makes them fussy for a few days.

And, thanks for the plug. It was all my pleasure doing your announcement. You made is so easy with the great photos! I got mine in the mail and I was happy how it turned out. Now I have to get crackin' and finish my web site:-)

I've been meaning to ask you. Do you Facebook?

Ellen said...

We loved your announcement also! SO cute (and so fast...) Note to self: send out an announcement for Isaac. :)
L\I love hearing your family stories and am so glad ya'll are adjusting well to Nashville.

Anonymous said...

So glad to finally see that family picture...thank you! And Lee and Emily's family picture...thank you again! I can never get a family pic of them when I'm around since Brooklyn doesn't want to leave Grandmama's arms (but I love it!). Anyway, hang in there with the crying/colic...Kara (MY Kara) had it, but I just decided to not let it bother me, and we survived much better since she had a calm mother. And of course it ended and we all lived happily ever after. : )

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, loved the announcement...so sweet! It has joined the rest of the pictures of our "adopted" kids and grandkids on the refrigerator. : )