Oct 18, 2008

3 going on 4 ... weeks

So let me reintroduce you to our Anna. There is a learning curve to what makes that girl happy and what makes that girl tick. And we are just now getting over that hump apparently. :)

- Say Hello to 8 lbs of misleadingly adorable baby girl. We call her butthead only sometimes...usually when she is earning the name. You know...all that crying and crying. Oh Lord, the crying.

- She needs to be burped...more than twice during a feeding. Forget to burp her and you WILL be sorry.

- She got her grumpy genes from her momma...she can even furrow her eyebrows real good like me.

- She seems to fare better (and us as well) being fed by bottle...so pump, pump, pump it is and it suits me just fine. Less moodiness and short tempers for us both.

- Finally, we figured out that she is soothed (USUALLY) by rocking and/or music. This can only mean one of two things...she will be a rocker one day, or a rockette. And while we are on the topic, can we please give a gigantic shout out to whoever invented the PLUG IN baby swings?! Where was that fantastic feature when Noah was a baby? Seriously...seems like a no brainer.

- She made the seamless transition to sleeping in her own room, own bed last week. Loving that, because Josh and I can take shifts much better that way, not to mention how the bottle feedings add to the ease. We are all finally hitting our groove I think.

- She continues to be her big brother's pride and joy - in stores he tells EVERYONE, "twooo, baby nanna" and then Josh has to translate that yes, he is 2 and he has a new baby sister at home named Anna. So cute.

- She sure has that sweet baby smell (too bad blogger doesn't have a scratch and sniff feature or I would so share it with you) and she doesn't mind getting a bath. She clearly did not get that from me, because I hate taking a shower...such a boring, waste of time, every day routine.

Take a peek at baby girl...not doing a whole lot, but these days if there is no crying involved...that IS a whole lot. :)

And is it just me or does she look more like a Lori? Sadly, Josh tells me it is too late to change her name.


Emily said...

oh my goodness...she is SOOOO prissy the way she moves those hands and arms...and still so skinny! Natalie was up to 10 easy at 3 weeks! And I've never seen her scrawny like Anna. And no. She doesn't look like a Lori. Where did that though come from?
Don't call your baby names...mean ole momma. and dadda.
I didn't know they made plug in swings, but you are so right...seems like it's a no brainer... now. Too bad ours is in the attic. Nattie hates it.

Unknown said...

You make me laugh. I loved the video, how her arms and legs just flail aimlessly, such a newborn, but oh so cute. I have to say...YOUR ACCENT! You're definitely a southern mama now.

Kimberly said...

What?! I don't have an accent! Must have been some malfunction on the video upload. :)

Seriously...I have an accent?

Alison said...

Yes, it is too late to change her name, silly girl!

Anonymous said...

Actually, no, it's not too late to change her name (I had a friend that did that recently, for real!), but she is definitely not a Lori! But she IS definitely cute, and I'm so glad things are smoothing out for you. And boy, does Noah have some rhythm..so funny!