Nov 23, 2019

Concerning West Virginia

Anna was assigned the state of West Virginia to do a report on for her US Geography class at CHET.  And she did.  And then she was required to participate in a Geography Fair shortly after as well, so she figured she might as well do that on WV, too, since the report got her half the info she'd need anyway.  Neither she nor I cared much about this project.  She did the entire thing her self, knowing she was just doing enough to get it done.  She had to present it briefly to judges during the fair and she had a picture book (M is for Mountain: A West Virginia Alphabet), her report, and a coal miner's hat (a fireman hat from the dress up box that she sharpied black and taped a light to the front of) positioned in front of her display as well.  And wouldn't you know ... the child took home First Place this week?!?!  We could NOT stop chuckling at that outcome.  That Anna girl is something, even when she's not even trying. 


Now we sort of have a hankering to try some WV mountain destination some time.  Ha!


Amy Faye Brown said...

West Virginia
The land of coal, hillbilly living, and my mother's people.
YOu should take them to Harper's Ferry. Some cool history there and then take the train into DC.

Kimberly said...

I should hear the story of how she landed in FL from WV then! I forgot that ... or never heard that history!