Jan 19, 2019

Weather Wishes vs. Wreath?

I keep wishing for snow and the forecast has taunted us with hope for it tonight maybe, but I know better than to believe we will wake up to anything but gloomy, wet mud on the ground. HA!  Oh well.  There is still February to hope for!

In the meantime, I spent some Christmas money finally on a pretty green wreath for the front door, which has gone without any decor for over a year (not counting Halloween and Christmas wreaths).  But tell me the truth, is it ok for me to put up a vibrant green wreath in the dead of winter while we wishfully watch the skies for snow?  


Amy Faye Brown said...

Vibrant green = winter green.
A lovely and much needed contrast to the stark landscape of winter.

Kimberly said...

WINTER GREEN! I am so gonna go with that.

Also, it matches the bushes in front of the porch that do stay green all winter (even though they aren't wintergreens, which now that I think about it is really interesting). Why did I never notice that before now?