Nov 25, 2018


We enjoyed another at-home Thanksgiving this year, just barely getting out of our pjs that day, if we did at all!  We took the whole week off school for the occasion. And it was such a treat to look forward to having Emily and crew come for an overnight visit the day after Thanksgiving. The weather was wonderful all week.  We feel rested and happy and ready to roll.  Thankful.

Everyone chipped in making a dish for our Thanksgiving feast.  Noah did stuffing, Anna did our smothered green bean recipe, I did deviled eggs, Josh did turkey and mashed potatoes, Lasa danced around in her apron offering help.

Chilling with football and board games ... mostly because Noah was grounded from video games that day. HA!

Leftovers that night - Yum again!

And settling in after Lasa went to bed to teach ourselves how to play Ticket to Ride finally.  Fun game!

Emily and crew came the next day and we didn't stop to take hardly ANY pics of all that activity and fun.  What is wrong with us???  Emily spotted me the few she did remember to snap while we "attended" a street hockey game between Noah and Jack. ;)

The bigger cousins all savored every single minute together - playing with the bunnies, doing obstacle courses in the back yard, legos, board games, video games, movie, snacks, card games, sleeping over, wrestling, bounce house, nerf gun battles, and all the gabbing, gabbing, gabbing.  We grown-ups all tried our hand at Apples to Apples with the kids and then a round of Ticket to Ride and stayed up late talking. 

Also - Emily (and her assistant, Brooklyn) wandered the greenway with us to take some family pics for us for this year.  They turned out plenty great and I have already created, ordered, and picked up this year's Christmas cards.  Ha!  Attaching a few favorite outtakes here. 

Hope your Thanksgiving was a restful and heart-filling blessing to your family as ours was for us!

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