Nov 20, 2018

Noteworthy in November

Just a few bits and pieces from the past couple weeks of stuff the Browns have been up to and enjoying.  First up - Noah wrapped up his third semester of Language Therapy at TSU.  Brad was SO GREAT for Noah this semester.  We are excited to wrap up this whole year of going to Nashville twice a week.  HA!  Thinking we will go ahead now on our own.  Noah and I both learned so, so, so much.  So glad we tackled this deficit for him this year!

Ummm, snow. In November.  Just this smidge.  But enough to get everyone's attention.  Snow!

Snuggles.  Sweet Lasa feet. Gah!  I adore how square/squat they look.

More Lasa feet. 😆 And Lasa silliness. She thought she was so hysterical setting her chair ON a chair.

Ummm, I don't even know.  Anna watching TV and messing around.  Doesn't even know she's doing it really.  And certainly didn't know I was taking pics.  Some kinda interesting!

Noah's math this year is just - wow!  Algebra going strong - sometime hardheaded - but mostly strong.  He has begun using a scientific calculator for his work ... which was fun for me to compare to my very own version from when I was in middle school taking on algebra.  That bad boy on the left is a little over 25 years old and still going strong.

Been squeezing in birthday parties and baby showers and hanging with friends on ice skates.

We have another year of Redeemer's Thanksgiving Dinner and Talent Show under our belts.  It was a lovely evening and a hoot of a talent show this year.  Anna participated in one act with other 3rd-5th graders - doing the Cha Cha Slide holding Phat-heads of Redeemer Staff/Elders/SS Teachers.  It was so cute.  Anna was not pleased that her act didn't win though.  HA!

That's Anna in orange in front.

Noah had his last three baby teeth yanked out at the dentist in prep for his second phase of braces coming up in the new year.  It's like the dentist and I share the same brain, forcing the boy to grow up just a little.  Ha!

And this precious charcoal drawing of Lasa that a friend from church gave us.  She did it from her adoption announcement pic.  Lasa's all, "Look! My nose! Look!  My teef!"

And finally, on this Thanksgiving week, the kids and I are taking the whole week off since we are a bit ahead in school days.  We have enjoyed the slower pace already - hitting the library, doing a little shopping, going to movies.  Yesterday, the big kids and I saw Fantastic Beasts and it was so good.  This past weekend, Josh and I saw Instant Family and loved it!  As well, I took the girls to see The Grinch.  Lasa did SO much better than the last movie she saw.  Growing up more and more every month!

Looking forward to a slow Thanksgiving holiday and easing into Christmas stuff after that.  I am all done Christmas shopping now except for stocking stuffers, so I am feeling ready for the season! ;)  Happy Thanksgiving!

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