Nov 25, 2018

Hair Ventures

Trying my hand at more cornrowing (dutch braiding) knowing I just have to keep practicing to ever show improvement.  And this was good improvement!  I cornrowed the top two sections instead of the whole head this time.  Much more manageable.  I read recently that the smaller the section, the easier it is.  Duly noted! Will do smaller next time.

Flat twisted the front section that had worn loose from the day's 'do.  Came off pretty ok!

Tried a half up/half down 'do one day with a new product which promised to reduce shrinkage of her sweet curls.  It did not do so.  Sighhhhh.  When her hair dried, it was half this length again and mostly sticking straight out.  Gonna look into some hair growth oil ... It's just gonna need to grow a lot more to actually loooooooook even a tiny bit longer.  Ah, curls. 

Then, with those same parts, I twisted them into bantu knots another day.  Kinda funky, but it grew on me all day the more I looked at it.  Fun and playful 'do.  Looks like something that you'd see in the latest Star Wars movies ... which we love. Ha!

Thinking about getting the girl an appt at a salon for her second ever cornrow style.  Maybe right before we head to FL so I don't have as much hair to manage while away from home and our normal hair routine. 

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