Jun 8, 2018

Bio of My Dear Kenmores

We grudgingly researched and purchased a new washer and dryer set this week out of necessity.  And I am happy to report the grudging mood has finally passed.  Two loads into the new set and I love the improvements and novelty and prettiness of our new appliances now! BUT FIRST, a moment for these two hearty Kenmores that just left.  They will always hold a soft spot in my heart, inasmuch as big plain boxy cold metal appliances can do so. 😍

These guys were my first ever grown-up purchase straight out of college in my first ever apartment.  I could not wait to get my own washer/dryer and finally be done with hauling my laundry down to dorm laundromats as I had relied on for four years in college.  There I was, setting up house on my own, a few miles from the school where I had accepted a teaching position at Jackson Elementary.  Me, suburb of Atlanta, Lawrenceville, GA, with my parents in town practically holding my hand at the nearest Sears ... which really dates that purchase. Sears - ha!  Made payments and all, proudly paying them off extremely early,  just a couple months later after my first teaching paychecks rolled in. I have known these Kenmores longer than I have known Josh, but just barely. 😜  They’ve been with me/us in FIVE different homes over 17 years! WOW!  They have grown with me from single working chick to newlywed to first time parent to stay-at-home mom and subsequent children, including a handful of fostering stints too, and up til now as a busy family of 5.  They have served us well and gotten a TON TON TON of faithful use.  I am sad to see them go.  Goodbye, my good workers. ✋🏻❤️ For the record, they are actually STILLLLL functional, but when the dryer started going haywire and noisy on us last weekend, we took that as our cue to get ahead of the game - and in the time it took us to finally buy something, the dryer quieted down a bit and kept right on drying just fine. The washer never skipped a beat;  she was going strong, bless her.

Here are the new kids on the block - Maytags from Lowes this go round, because who can find a Sears and her Kenmores anymore, amiright????  We got more capacity this time, but interestingly enough this pair fits smaller in the laundry closet?  Go figure. That's how much has changed (improved) since I last shopped washers and dryers. Ha!

They are so pretty and work so nice (so far) and I am still in the honeymoon stage, staring wide-eyed into the see-through top of the washer to see how it works and whether it matches the rave reviews (and the complaints) I read about before buying.   Here's me, standing over the washer like dork.  Studying all its tricks in action. 

Like, I was excited to do laundry this week.  I did a load within minutes of delivery on Wednesday and was excited to do another today.  I LOVE how much quicker the dryer works.  I am all savvy now and know that is because the washer removes the water so much more efficiently during the spin cycles.  It's amazing what sort of education you get yourself when you are a committment-phobe, dreading having to cough up tons of cash and begging the good Lord to not let you regret it after the fact.  I better go lay hands on these new appliances now and ask the Lord to multiply their years as he did with my sweet and simple Kenmores.  🙏🏻  I do NOT want to be buying more in less than 10 years.  I don't even wanna be buying them again AT 10 years.  Lord, let them last at leeeeeast 15...

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