Jan 26, 2018

Anna Things

At a birthday party a few weeks ago.  The birthday boy's mom sent me this pic, commenting on how Anna struck this perfect pose in all the pics she took, even the silly shots when craziness was all around her.  So funny.  I kept the pic though because she looks so lovely in it to me. I was struck by how dark her hair looks. I don't typically think of her as this dark.  Something about this shot makes me feel like I can glimpse a teenage Anna already. 

How precious ... them cooperating and her tickling his back.  Reminds me of my childhood.  I always loveddddddd getting my back tickled.

Check out these chompers.  Roots for days!!  Baby teeth Anna had removed at the dentist so we can get on with braces this year. Which is a good thing ... they weren't coming out for a lonnnnnnng time on their own. Dentist's hands hurt after getting them out, she had to squeeze and pull so hard, she said.  😳

Her clipping Noah's toes cracked me up too.  He sure is lucky to have such a helpful sister.

Precious Reading Journal responses ...  She cannot get enough of her missionary books she is reading.

At a recent doctor's appt to check in about how it's going with her ADD meds.  Going so great!  I begrudge our new insurance for making us have to switch to something less expensive. Wish us luck!

Fun fact - the Anna girl logged in at 53 inches tall and a matching 53 pounds! 

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