Nov 7, 2017

Do Heya!

I love that Lasa requests for me to do her hair so often.  "Do heya!" she says as she stands by the hair chair begging me to put her in.  I love that it has been such a positive time for her that she wants me to do it and keep it in her routine even on mornings when I don't necessarily need to.    Thank you, Lord, for that sweet mercy as Lasa and I have bumbled along learning the hair ropes together.  

I haven't done a lot new lately ... just been rolling with some regular easy stuff day to day (usually rope twists, braids, or tiny buns), but there was this new one I tried and LOVED back in September.

And then I just played around another day seeing if I could do flat twists that looked sort of like cornrows in their layout.  Didn't turn out too bad.  These didn't hold real secure for long though.  Would need to try smaller sections next time.  

Not long after the flat twists, we did the first cornrows at the salon appt that I already blogged last month.  That was a great first cornrow experience and we got a solid week out of those badboys!  This last weekend, I had to make a heavy hair decision for our appt for family pics ... I landed on these puffs and ADORED how they turned out.

Another day, when Lasa asked me to do her hair, I gave my fingers another practice at french braiding.  Emphasis on the word "practice."  Ha!  Not great, not presentable by a long shot, but still identifiably french braids, right?  I {think} so at least.  

Most recent new do ... I meant to try flat twists across those front two triangle sections, but just didn't have the mental oomph for it that morning. ;)

Since chatting it up with the stylist at the salon, I have been trying to do her hair dry more often than not - which means less spray bottle every time I do her hair and more gel instead.  And it's been working out great actually and is so freeing.  And it goes a lot faster those days, too.  Glad for more solid hair advice and experience in our life! 


Amy Faye Brown said...

You are such a good Mama.
Those babies are blessed.

Kimberly said...

Too kind!