Nov 24, 2015

Dose of Random Just to Catch Up

Getting ready for Turkey Day at co-op. 

Hanging with buds on an abbreviated school day.  True story, Anna and the little blonde guy, Jonah, have decided, with their mommas' gentle guidance, to just be friends for now and wait til they're 21 to get married.  She hasn't broken the news to her other buddy, Cohen, yet, but has promised to write it to him in a letter. Young love.

Just a snippet of a moment I took the other day.  One small homeschool moment.  Play break for Noah.  Anna workin' away just inches away.  Love these days.

Um, heaven help me because we just brought one of these bad boys back into our home.

And one of these baby play apparatuses as well.  BOTH given to us by a dear friend who never ceases to make me catch my breath with her kindness toward us. So thankful for God's providence.

How glorious is this sky in front of our house just after some windy and wet weather last week?!


Lasa-love continues to be an easy-going cherub of a girl. Clearly.

True story.

I snuck away from the house the other night to take the kids to see The Peanuts Movie.  And as it turned out, we squeezed in play and dinner and then snuck away with another handful of good friends as well before all was said and done.  Kiddos loved the movie.  I loved sitting in a dark room, left to my thoughts, or lack thereof, without interruption.

Anna was inspired by poor Charlie Brown's kite plight.  She spent the next afternoon trying to fly hers.

It ended up as sad a sight as Charlie Brown's kite endeavors in the movie.  Bless it.

I am in love with these socks my mother-in-law gave me for Christmas.   They just make me happy.

We had to take our car in for yet ANOTHER repair (the third in a month?) today. I was sick, SICK I tell you, about spending more money on it.  And sure enough, because Josh works with the wife of the head of the dealership's service department, it ended up being free.  Turned out it wasn't as serious as we feared either, which helps.  But not having to pay for the labor helped even more.  Thankful!

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