Nov 28, 2015

Annotating Acts

I mean it.  I am moving so slowly in my private bible study.  
But who's racing, right?  Not me, clearly.

I started Romans recently, which meant it was time to double back on a free weekend (this weekend) and wrap up my journaling from Acts, which I began awhile back during a sermon study at church about who the Holy Spirit is and how He works.  

And so, here are some of the better note pages from my time in Acts.  Less illustrations for me in this book and more texty annotations.  Requires less planning.  
Which is what my life requires right now.  :}




Thankful for God's Word to me.  So thankful.  I cannot get over how my mind is renewed after spending time in it.  It is so amazing and so freeing.  I can be bogged down mentally and emotionally, obsessing and overthinking any number of things all day and trying so hard to get to the right place and preferable outcome and still feel so spent.  And then I just be still, with his words, almost face to face with the Lord, no?  And it's like everything falls back into their right priority.  My spirit is energized.  My mind is cleared.  And the eyes of my heart are narrowed again on the things that matter.  Like a great big spiritual exhale. So sweet.  So like how Acts 3:10 worded it ... "that seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord."

So thankful for God's Word.

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