Aug 28, 2014

Bliss and Brunch

I dropped an eager Noah off at his first day of Co-op and then, like all just-free'ed moms do, I beelined for Chick-Fil-A and Target. I thought I would blissfully wander without interruption while there, but you know I ran into too many friends (5 different ladies in one hour!!) to do that. So I blissfully chatted with them instead. Ha!

Then, I had to hustle myself back home because I forgot how flippin' early my lunch date with Anna was supposed to be, if you can call it that.  Scheduled at 10:45,  it was more like brunch.  And since I had just had a big, fat chicken biscuit with cheese, I only packed myself an apple and made it just in time.  My girl was LITERALLY holding my seat for me, bless her.  She was so excited because this is the first time I have come to lunch/brunch with her. :}

These were the cutie pies who chatted with me blissfully for half an hour.  Anna and Lila (who tells me she also goes by Chloe though I could not quite ascertain why.  It is not her name or her middle name. Ha!)

Colton, Preston, Mac (who ate food off the floor because he is cool like that) ... and a poor little quiet guy next to me, Maddox, who stayed out of the pic.

It was funny how much more they talked to me than my own Anna did.  They talked my ear off!  Anna just enjoyed the honor of being special with her momma by her side and loaded me up with hugs and kisses before I left.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Enjoy it! Brooklyn LOVES for me to eat with her, but hardly ever speaks a word to me, then tears up when it's time for me to leave.

Natalie makes me feel like a rock star! She talks, cuddles, hugs, squeezes, and would otherwise sit right in my lap if there was enough room between the table top and chair for both of us. :)

With both girls, they still like to eat with their momma so I feel quite blessed regardless of what the lunches look like.