Aug 21, 2014

Finally the Fourth Falls

So this character,

and I do mean CHARACTER,

has been creeping me out for a couple months now with his crooked, graying, sideways loose tooth there in front.

I took to FB the other night for some moral support and some good ideas for getting that bad boy out.  All my begging, reminding, nagging, persuading, and pleading was doing no good clearly.  Not even a BRIBE got it done!  But the bribe got us closer to the goal. The following day, the tooth came out in the pouring down rain, in the carpool line.

It had been cutting into his upper gums so badly all this time, it left a pretty sizable view of the incoming permanent tooth that is slowly morphing his face into another child I do not know.

I think it's funny how many pics I take of him in the car.  The boy has become my partner in crime while Anna's gone at school all day.

Anyway, Noah creatively presented his tooth for the Tooth Fairy via Legos.  The only thing not pictured is the floss that he used in the end to make the tooth stay in her hands.  Apparently, he and Josh strapped that puppy down. "The Tooth Fairy likes floss so this will really make her happy!"

And happy she was.  So happy, she left him the toy that he missed out on by not getting the tooth out the night before when my bribe was still on the table.  Ha!

I wonder how many more Tooth Fairy months/years we have left in him?  We grin smitten grins that we have gotten to 8 1/2 with the magic still alive. ♥


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Um, your Tooth Fairy is WAY more generous than ours ever was. Ever. ;-)

And oh what a character he is. It's fun to see your relationship. It kind of makes me want a boy.

Kimberly said...

I know, right? I know we can't keep this caliber tooth fairy habit up for all the rest, but he took so long to pull it it was hard NOT to go big. Ha! Kids are too much fun!