Aug 9, 2012

Terrific Treehouses

Since school is not in session this week, my friend, Cindy, and I loaded up the kids and headed out for a field trip. :)  Our destination: Cheekwood Botanical Gardens in Nashville to see their Terrific Treehouses exhibit that we keep hearing about. 

Except for the short attention spans of my children and the giant, embarrassing tumble I took in front of a bunch of strangers, it was a morning well spent.  :)


Emily said...

That looks awesome! I wish he had fun stuff like that do around here. Cute shirt BTW

Elizabeth Bradley said...

This place looks like so. much. fun. It would be right up our alley. :)

Kimberly said...

Emily, I bet you do have some fun Macon stuff to do! You just never wanna drive that far. :}

Emily said...

ha! Touche ... but too, I don't go to Macon because I don't want bullet holes in my body or my childrens'. Macon is like Birmingham...scaaaary.