Aug 28, 2012

Stuff My Kids Said

Me:  Noah, you have got to find something to do besides bug your sister.
Noah:  Wike what?  Bug you?  {giggle} Bug Daddy?   {snicker} Bug Chewie?

I was susprised at the rebuff I received from Anna not long ago when I called her and she called back, "Not now, Mommy!"  What?!?!

After Josh passed the bad gas in Noah's room, Josh assured Noah the stink would go away.  Noah asked where it would go, Josh explained it would go up in the air.  Noah asked, "Will God smell it then?"

Noah has to work hard to get Anna to play with him sometimes.  The other day I heard him negotiate with her, "I'll let you bring any princesses you waaaaaaant!"  When she still refused him, he begged, "But Anna I wuv you. I know I am not gonna marry you but I still wuv you!" 

Anna is all about the cheesy commercials for all manner of ridiculous toys and gadgets they make these days.  She ran into the kitchen last time saying, "Can I have some StomPets for my birthday?  I think I need them because the tv says 'Your kids will love it!'"

One morning, Anna lamented, "I'm so excited I am going to be four.  But I am so sad, because I still like to be three."

On the way to see some friends getting baptized, Noah was all questions about every detail, especially the part involving the actual water since we had such a trying time this summer learning to swim.  I didn't get to giggling at his line of thought until he asked, "Will they wear goggles?" 

After her nap, Anna sat pantless on the stairs, absently gazing ahead in a total daze.  I whispered, "You want to wake up slowly right there?"  She murmured back without looking,  "Yes.  I am waiting for my brain to wake up."  

When she took her barrette out of her hair without asking, she reassured me, "It's ok.  My hair is just going to play in the wind." 

Anna is so the type to rattle off a Sunday School answer.  Proof?  Josh says she prayed recently at bedtime, "Dear Lord, please help Mommy to spank me when I disobey." 

When she cuddles with me, Anna will say how much she loves me and likes to hang out with me and then more times than not, she says, "I hope we can die together."   What?!?


Emily said...

LOL!!!!!!!! Anna cracked me up with those!!

We do that almost every day, the "what?!" with the things Natalie comes up with too...must be a second child thing. Hilarious!

Amy Faye Brown said...

This was one of the ones that was read aloud at our house. Thanks for the entertainment! :)

Kimberly said...

You are so welcome!! :D

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Have been meaning to come back here and comment... your kids are hysterical.