Jul 30, 2012

First Day of First Grade

We were up and at 'em early today because we are so excited about the first day of school for Noah. :)  Excited, yes, but Noah waffled a little with anxiety, too. He's such a mild thing that big events and crowds and change of pace get him a little out of whack.

It was clear Noah was so confused by his emotions once we pulled up to the school. There were more cars than usual and lots of parents and kiddos walking in. He wanted me to drop him off at the gym, not walk him in, but I had to go in to take his epi-pen and benadryl to the office. Once we got in his classroom, he cried and didn't want me to leave, tried the "I need to go to the bathroom" stall tactic,  boo-hoo'd some more so we prayed and hugged a bit in the hallway.  I left my crying boy in his teachers arms (thank you, Lord, for her kindness) and held a few tears back myself; it's no fun to leave them all red-eyed with tears streaming down the cheeks!  But my friend, Amber, who saw him after that, mercifully put me out of my mommy misery and texted that he was all smiles in no time.  I knew he would be, but hearing he snapped out of it quickly was reassuring. :) Praying for more smiles for him today.  Can't wait to pick him up and hear all about it! 

Disclaimor:  That last line as you know is filled with sarcasm, because it's like pulling teeth to get information and details out of that boy, but a girl can dream.

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