Jun 3, 2012

Promotion Sunday

My little bitty boy walked up in front of everyone in church today (and not without some admiring giggles and sighs from more than just me) to receive a Bible from the children's minister today.  And he didn't fidget or squirm or get shy.  Just held his Bible up and took care of business.  So cute!

Today was Promotion Sunday so he moved up to the first grade Sunday school class and Anna moved up to the 4-year-old class.  Wow!


Cindy said...

How special! Claire moves out of the preschool department altogether in August, sniff sniff!

Kimberly said...

It's interesting because they count Kindergarten in the preschool dept. at our church. This is the first Sunday I haven't had to fill out a little name tag to stick on him! :S So we are officially, finally out of preschool for him. Ha!