Mar 20, 2019

Friends and Fam of Late

Just wrapping up some pics from March before we take off for Dollywood this weekend and some more spring break next week.  It's been a busy month!  Thankfully, busy with friends and family and fun among the mix.  And an ENT appt.  And the orthodontist.  Ha!

Remember how we prayed for friendships to develop for my Annagirl this year?  The Lord is steadily growing them for her among dear hearts at church.  She's had a couple get togethers this month and it means so much to her (and me) that she has girlfriends. 

Ohmystars, we had a hard week of school one week in particular.  So the following Monday we cut ourselves some slack and hit the movies.  Because we can!  Homeschool freedom rocks.

Just some random thing Anna invented that is a real hoot - bunny yoga.  Also a hoot is the collection of sounds Josh makes while he attempts to follow her lead.

Noah hanging with buds on a fine Saturday.  Thankful!

This just made Josh and me laugh.

Lasa had an ENT check up ... and I was so excited to have the ENT clear out the wall of hardened wax I could see in there.  They did not have to vaccuum it, just pulled it out dry.  This was in her bad ear, the one without the tube again.  Luckily, both ears were infection free.  Huge relief. She's had a cold, so we didn't know what was lurking in her ears ... 

My Women's Team responsibilities continue and this past weekend was our Spring Gathering.  I was in charge of prepping and running the game -  which was an idea Hailey came up with that turned out to be SUCH a fun time!  We are still getting feedback back from it.  It was Speed Friendshipping and it worked like speed dating.  It's perfect for how much growth our church has undergone in the last 2 years and it worked like a charm.  Love this fellowship of ladies!

Oh yeah, Papa eventually did make it to town after all and I got one single shot of him while here.  Of the back of his head.  HA! It was a sweet and easy visit and he has trekked on by now to NC to see more family before heading back to FL.  John is a road warrior if I ever I met one.

Gah!  I just love this song.  It's one I have posted before.  But I loved it all over again on Sunday when we did it again.  It's on our letterboard now, thanks to Anna - His mercy is more!

Another girls get together.  Aren't they cutest??  

And finally, Noah got his second set of braces put on today.  The free set that we won back in January.  That makes it way more fun than the first set.  HA!  

Just before they went on...

Just after.  Handsome as ever still!  

These will be on for 12-18 months we are told.

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