Sep 27, 2018

Not-so-HOMEschool Stuff

Thursday afternoons this year, the kids attend some enrichment classes at CHET.  Anna is taking drama and fiddle.  Noah is taking apologetics and PE. As well, Noah is back in language therapy twice a week at TSU.  His clinician this semester is a guy and Noah was excited about that.  I am excited about what great work he is doing with Noah!  Best semester yet.

First ever dissection experience with Nashville Homeschool Calendar field trip group.  I was nervous the kids would get freaked out, but they rocked it.  Proud of them!

Afterward, we picniced outside in the killer cool air and wandered the greenway there.  Was fun to spot these raccoons in a tree along the way.  Anna insisted I take a pic.  ;)

Last week we took a field trip to tour the Nissan Plant in Smyrna, which is the highest volume automotive assembly plant in North America.  It was amazing! We were all fascinated at the operation they run there and just how massive and comprehensive it is ... in terms of cars AND employees and quality and safety.  They didn't let us take pics during the tour, they didn't even let us take our phones inside! And they escorted us off the property when it was all done, so the kids and I drove around to another gate to take at least ONE pic in representation of the outing. Ha!

The kids both read Tuck Everlasting last month, so we followed up on that by viewing the movie.  And then we followed up on THAT this month by taking in a live performance of it at Nashville Childrens Theater.  A trifecta!

And finally, tomorrow we will take a trip to tour some stables in Murfreesboro and ride a horse or two ... if we don't bail before then.  It's not my style to flake at the last minute, but, man, I am beat.  And Anna is only halfway into the idea.  And I will have Lasa with us this trip. 😬 We shall see.

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