Aug 21, 2018

Belated 16th Anniversary

July was a swirl of so much .. just so much going on on so many levels ... that we postponed celebrating our anniversary that came and went on the 27th.  The Family Brown is officially 16!  Another year of wow.

We finally got out for a date this weekend, on a Sunday afternoon, just our speed.  Cathy kept the kids and we headed out to shop, wander in Nashville, and have dinner.  We did another year of our traditional "buy something new for the house" anniversary thing - this time being new curtains for the living room.  We have had the same red striped curtains for over 12 years.  The upgrade to a blue is refreshing for us.  We picked out some panels and some new couch pillows.  The final choice is still a work in process, though, as I wait to see if my eye likes the shade we picked or not.  Regardless, it was so enjoyable to wander and shop together sans kiddos.  Then Josh drove me all over Nashville so I could try to get better acquainted with all the streets and destinations that otherwise make me so anxious when I am driving around on my own.  I think this easy Nashville wandering really helped!  I was able to connect a number of dots and make better heads and tails of layouts and directions.  And it's about time - we have been here almost 10 years now!!  After that, we had dinner at a new-to-us place that came highly recommended - Butchertown Hall, a tex-mex influenced American restaurant (and beer garden, apparently, not that I know anything about that). 


Dinner was so flippin' delicious, I am still talking about it two days later.  I got street tacos - brisket, pork, and chicken ... and ohmygoodness I should have just gotten the brisket.  It was amazing.  Josh got a brisket burger.  The queso was the best I've ever had, too.  I didn't have a margarita for Happy Hour, but I should have!  My handsome date BEFORE he dribbled delicious food on his shirt.  HA!

Our anniversaries are about a low-key as you can get. And it totally suits us ... 16 years and counting! Maybe by our 20th we will do it out big with a trip somewhere.

1 comment:

G said...

What a perfect pair! The food sounds SO yum!