Feb 24, 2018

Fie, Fine, Ha, Thanks, Curses, Die!

It wasn't bad enough that Noah and Lasa went down with fevers last week.  Or that Lasa had already been in the middle of an annoying cold and cough the past two weeks.  No.  February had to pitch another little fit before finally letting us be.  Fie on you February.  Fie!

This week child 1, Noah, developed a reallllllly swollen lymph node in his neck that was so painful that it hurt to even speak or chew.  So we landed at the dr for that and got the kid some steroids after strep and mono tests said nothing was up.  Fine, February. Fine!  Two days later, Lasa was still grabbing her ear (that we had been giving ear drops too just for good measure already) and saying that her cheek hurt??  I finally probed around the spot some more and discovered she had what felt like a swollen giant lymph node in her neck too!  We called the dr and hoped they would save us the trip (and cost) and just prescribe her some steroid too since she had the same fever as Noah as before and now had a painful neck issue.  Nope, they wouldn't have it.  Because of her age, they needed to see her first.  Fine, February. Justtttt finnnnnnne!  Lasa went to the dr and, as it turned out, that was for the best.  Ha!  Because the child did not have a swollen lymph node.  No, the child has strep, thankyouverymuch.  Her neck/throat are just swollen from that.  Who knew???  Dr sent us on our way with antibiotic for child 2.  On the way home, I say to Anna, "Anna.  Be careful! You know you are so prone to strep." And not 4 hours later, child 3 came downstairs after bedtime to say her throat hurt.  The next morning, it was hurting even worse.  So that made another Thursday two of my children were home sick from PDO/Co-op.  Thank you so much, February, for all this intense togetherness and bonding time!  Thankfully, the dr knows Anna's history with strep and was willing to just call in another antibx rx for her and call it a day.  For anyone who's counting, though, that is all three children requiring medical attention in one week - After the week before when I thought we were so cool and savvy for not rushing to the dr for fever when all the world was falling apart around us in flu hysteria.  Curse you, my pride.  Curses!

Lasa has missed so much PDO this month that one of them called to check on her Thursday.  So sweet!  February this year? Not so sweet.  Die, February, die!


Cindy said...

I hear ya. We’ve had appendicitis, croup, strep, and pink eye in our house this month.

Kimberly said...

And that's just your February. I wanna say your January took a couple bites out of y'all too!