Apr 22, 2016

Bits and Pieces

Just some other random moments I wanted to preserve here...

The JJ peeps who were along for the weekend retreat in KY last weekend.  Such good input for a caregiver momma.  These friendships are really dear to me.

How precious is this table of little men in prayer for each other?!  Noah's teacher posted this from co-op one day.  Noah is there across from the boy in the red shirt.  I LOVE that my babies are growing up in this sort of community with this sort of influence. 

Lasa is teething again.  Like last time, it's gonna get ugly before it gets better.  We are bracing ourselves.

Another day, another swing session.  Sometimes with baby buds!

Hi, my name is Kimmie, and I have a baby toy addiction. I am always on the hunt for just the right next toy for whatever stage baby is moving into.  This is our most recent steal-of-a-deal find on GTP.

Look at the sweetness I spotted this week next to a plate I set out for Josh on a day he was working late.

Another day, another park session.  This time with friends from church. 

I got out some Boppy stuff we don't use anymore so I could sell them and all of a sudden Lasa was in love with them again.  I am selling them anyway.  :}

No words needed. Perfect snapshot.

Anna finally got me to cooperate with letting her feed the baby.  It went well.  I should have let her do this a long time ago.

I think I am almost caught up blogging.  Just in time for a camping trip this weekend, a visit from my sister's crew next week, Lasa turning 9 months and Noah turning TEN years!!!!!!!!  All that say, I am basically already behind again.  HA!


Emily said...

What a fun week you had! Mine was much less fun this week...and I'm plain exhausted. Social quota for me has been met for about the next month or two .... meeting people and talking to people is fun...but I am flat worn out after it all!~!

Kimberly said...

Oh, this wasn't all this week. Past couple weeks or so ... I am flat worn out, too. :) Obviously!

Kimberly said...

And I wanna hear what new social stuff you've been up to!

Amy Faye Brown said...

Your boy praying. Your girl reading and her use of the word stinking. And, Miss Thang just being too cute teething or not.
It's just too much!

Kimberly said...

Ha! yes! I got a good chuckle out of the "stinkin'" usage when I saw it too. We don't even use that word, so I have no idea where she picked it up. I could blame Emily, but we don't see her enough for that, I think. ;}