Apr 25, 2015

Throw Back Field Trip

Noah and I joined some friends yesterday for a small-scale field trip refreshing our memories of a throw-back unit from last year by visiting a throw-back structure from history ...the Ancient Greek temple for Athena, the goddess of war - The Parthenon.

First we played at Centennial Park before crossing the lawn for our tour.

It's impressive that this Nashville replica is built to scale with the original.

Including the giant statue of Athena.

Our tour guide did a good job of skipping the more adult conversation points and keeping it brief and kid friendly as we moved from exhibit to exhibit inside.  Too bad I couldn't take pics of anything downstairs. :S

She even {almost} got us the through all the talking points without the kiddos snickering at the naked people in the art exhibits and statues.  Ha!  Noah's favorite part was seeing Athena up close with all the war scenes (aka - friezes) in her decor ...

and getting to spend four times our admission price on a souvenir Centaur action figure from the gift shop. :}

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