Apr 6, 2015

Anna's First Tooth Falls

What was that I said the other day about buying ourselves a little time waiting for Anna's first lost tooth before breaking the Easter Bunny/Santa news to the kids?

Would you believe that stinker went and got a loose tooth AND LOST IT between then and tonight?!  TWO DAYS time.  How's that for the universe calling our bluff?

She CANNOT stop grinning and bouncing off the walls. She is beyond excited to be walking through this rite of passage.  She feels like a rock star being visited by the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny all in one week.

Between tooth fairy cash, report card cash, and the stuff she's sold on GTP, that girl is in the money and we are inching closer and closer to the poorhouse.  Ha!

But what fun the trip is.  Congrats to my baby on her first lost tooth.

Such a sweet milestone! ♥ 


Emily said...

Dang girl....hahah! 20 bucks?! Can I come live at your house?! I had a crown put on....how much is THAT worth? bwahaha!!

Kimberly said...

ow girl! It was an expensive precedent we set back with Noahs first tooth that was so much anticipated. Oh well. YOLO. Ha!