Jun 29, 2019

Stormy, Steamy, and other Stuff

Good gracious, it's been a dicey week weatherwise and a super busy week otherwise!  Daily and unpredictable pop-up storms packed a punch, felled trees galore, rained hail, knocked out power, and flooded all of middle-TN creation.  It's been exciting with a side of scary!  And in between all that excitement, it's been so stinking hot and steamy!  Our only options are to swim or wait until the sun goes down to go outside - ha!  This week was also VBS at church.  I am still recovering from working it last year, so I sent Josh in my place this year.  Noah went as Josh's assistant and Anna attended and had a blast.  That meant Lasa and I had one-on-one time every night of the week so she and I did fun things to make it special for her, too.  As well, we had comfy new soft carpet installed for two days over the entire upstairs; that has been a huge chore and pain in the rear, but it's finally done and it's so stinking wonderful now.  And bonus - it prompted so much good clearing out of crap.  Lots of trash and donations and stuff getting sold and outta here - our big honking elliptical included, thankyouLord.  Anyway, pics of some of all these sum, sum, summertime ways we passed the time this week...


And last but not least, Noah participated in another Smash Bros. Tournament along with a couple buds along for the ride with him, William and Colman.  Anna, too, for moral support!

And of course, it's been an exciting week with the bunnies, who will get a post all their own next.  Good and bad things to report...


Amy Faye Brown said...

I love the summers you provide your babes.

Kimberly said...

That's so nice! Thank you!!! ❤️