May 23, 2019

Lasa + Princess Tiana

Hitting up the local Barnes and Noble Storytime this weekend.  Lasa was so excited and dressed up in her Tiana gown and a tiara and a bun.  But once Tiana came around, Lasa froze up.  It was hysterical ... and annoying.  We had to FORCE her to sit there without being held.  We coaxed her into it by having Anna join her eventually and promising Daddy would sit right behind her; that helped immensely.  She warmed up slowly, but warmed up enough to stay.

Learning some dance moves.  Lasa did eventually stand up for a few once Anna did it beside her.

Getting more acquainted.


Look how much she warmed up here ... sat forward all by herself.  Wonder of wonders!

Personal hellos and pictures afterward.

Lasa gave her this flower from the yard.  Tiana was so darling in how she flounced back down to Lasa's level to talk about it with her. You can tell Lasa was nervous but sort of excited too because she drops her mouth wide open like this every time. 

Good morning! First ever princess encounter!

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