May 30, 2008

What's In a Name?

Picking Noah's name really was a breeze, so why has it been so laborious to choose and settle on a name for the baby girl that is on her way into our lives? It just doesn't make sense given my love for words and lists of names...something I have done since I was a little girl.

Here are the 5 names we had a million honorable mentions narrowed down to:

Summer Noelle
Hailey Noelle
Anna Noelle
Jenna Noelle
Avery Noelle

I had a number of friends near and far share their thoughts on these names and offer their faves from the list. Avery was a HUGE hit, which made me love it all the more, but in the end it still just didn't sit right for me. I tell Josh it still just didn't match us. Summer was the second clear favorite from the list, and is also near and dear to my heart for years now, but when push comes to shove, I still can't make it fit us, and believe me I tried to feel OK with it. Anna was a late entry after I had friends comment on the list, so I have no idea what everyone thinks of this name, but after much deliberation, it seems Josh and I have settled on her. Anna Noelle Brown. It fits us, our style, matches with Noah's name - which is important, and is simple and pure sounding to us...not to mention, not all that common these days - which I really like. And the more I say it, the more I like it. So I think this blog post makes it official.

Noah's baby sister will be named Anna. Hee, hee, hee. I love closure.


Anonymous said...

You are hilarious! You know I'll be checking this thing every day right...
So Anna Noelle...that's really pretty...and pure though, she'll be a little devil! :)

Amy Faye Brown said...

My vote is still for Avery but Anna is extremely sweet.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is gonna be fun! I have meant to write and say congrats on the girl...LOVE the name, such a sweet, girlie name...I know too many male Averys, so Anna is perfect. : )

Bill and Melodie said...

Welcome to our world! I like the name! Noah and Anna, sounds good! I'm glad you are blogging, now I have one more thing to do during my long boring days at work!

The White Family said...

LOVE the name Anna! Anna and Noah sound perfect together! I expect you to post a pregnant Kimberly picture very soon!!! I can't wait to read your thoughts on the blog!

Unknown said...

I love Anna! It fits and sounds great as Noah's sister. Congrats on the blog! I'll one day join you for many of the same reasons. I suck at journaling on paper but maybe I could do it in cyberspace. You're my inspiration.

Alison said...

So took you like a week?? :) We went down to the last day!

Sorry I never e-mailed you my thoughts on the name since we were out of town. But, Anna was my choice! That was one of our finalists! I'm glad you didn't go with Rhonda, I only know boy Avery's.

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT KIMMIE!!! Noah and Anna sound great together! It's so great when you can actually refer to the baby in your tummy with a name instead of "her" or "baby".

Bill and Melodie said...

I am impressed, only 2 postes and you already have 8 comments. I sometimes go many many posts and only get 2 or 3 comments. They are mostly from you and Alison.

Oh, I wanted to ask, where is Noelle from?

Kimberly said...

Shannon - go for it!

Melodie - I just LOVE the name, but can't use it as a first name b/c it sounds too much like Noah.

Rhonda and Alison - so weird - I have only ever known girl Averys. Funny.

Kasey - Don't hold your breath waiting for a pregnancy pic. :)

Anonymous said...

We all love Anna it is! Can't wait to see ya'll in two weeks!

Anonymous said...

Hey, reading "Noah and Anna" in print reminds me that I know a girl with a "Noah and Anna"...she just had her third and named her Mary...definitely not a baby name you hear everyday, huh?

Gina said...

That's a beautiful name, and we can't wait to meet Anna!