May 30, 2008

Late (and humble) Beginnings

Bandwagon, here I come! My resistance has faded (sigh) and I am finally beginning a blog.

Better late than never, no? Although I wish I started at a more momentous time of life, say when I graduated college, or started my first job, or got married, or more recently - adopted Noah. It just got to a point were Noah is now doing and saying so many things I never want to forget, so I figured this was the lesser of two evils...type it or scrapbook it - horrors! Short of Noah's Lifebook, I would rather not spend my time stressing out and hunching over tape, scissors, and a jillion types of papers, stickers, and cutters ever again. I say, blogging is the new scrapping!

So the Brown family is joining the ranks of bloggers everywhere and documenting that stuff we want to remember, having a soapbox or twenty when the occasion calls for it, and just posting cute pics, and random thoughts - whatever floats our boat and just for the fun of it.

And what with being pregnant, getting ready for the new baby, getting to know Noah's many toddler moods per day, trying to sell our house and move to TN, there will be plenty to reflect on I think. Nothing too flashy, but a blogger beginning just the same. Hello, Blogpsot!


Anonymous said...

at last! Now all you need is Facebook or Myspace, and you'll be complete! Looks great!

Alison said...

Too much pressure, huh? :) Love it!

Anonymous said...

Finally, you are putting your amazing writing skills to use! You have always been so great at putting your thoughts, questions, musings out there and now we all can take part in it. So thank you!