Jun 30, 2024


June housed summer fun, a new pet, dogsitting and catsitting, VBS, Anna registering for her first dual enrollment courses AS WELL AS getting into the honors program there at Vol State, a court date with a crappy decision from the crappy judge yet again, and our annual lake trip with my family.  We hit up the zoo after a several year hiatus, we finalllllly got drapes up in the living room, Lasa doubled down on some summer reading work, I got together with a number of friends a number of times and it was good for the soul as it always is.  Noah went to FL to visit his birthparents for a week and had a great time. He also spent a week at my house for the first time since I moved, so that was great - not counting a fallout there at the end - oy.  Berries got picked, movies got watched, and we saved a turtle. I enjoyed more handlettering.  We listed the Kubota for sale.  We borrowed a friend's pool key for some swimming, I went to Bunco and won something again - hooray!  Lasa lost another tooth and I read a number of books.  Anna and I hit up an awesome neighborhood yard sale and scored some serious deals and my parents came up one weekend to help with some heavy duty yard work.  I offer up these many good pics of all the life that came and went this month.  I think I will do a separate photo-full post of the lake trip alone.


Amy Faye Brown said...

I love, love, love scrolling through these photos. The smile on your face looks fabulous (and genuine). I can't believe the fierce determination of Anna. And, a week with Noah, so thankful (though I did cringe to read there was a fall out. But, baby steps). Summer of 2024 looks like it is being so good to you and for you!

Kimberly said...

Thank you for loving these things with me! It's a needed encouragement! I know this now on a new level.

And yeah, the Noah thing was a doozy. Mostly a blow up between him and Anna on a night I was away dogsitting, but it played out such that neighbors got involved at 1:30ish in the morning ... and my landlord the following day. Oy! Mortifying. Teen boys. Lord, help. We weathered it together somehow and pretty quickly at that, which I am immensely thankful for.

In other news, though, that boy had a real experience with the Lord at camp this past week and we are all still catching our breath at how amazing the Lord is. Pray for this nephew of yours ... the Lord is doing a thing. I have no greater joy than what I feel celebrating this and anticipating how the Lord will hold him fast! Praying for a hedge of protection around him and the many potential slip-ups and setbacks that Satan would like to drop him back into...