May 24, 2024

Wrapping Up 10th/11th and 3rd Grade

Anna wrapped up her 10th grade year a little over a week ago.  I believe Noah did the same for his 11th grade year.  This year got cut in half for me with him.  Once I moved out in December, his homeschooling was handed over to Josh for the second semester.  As I predicted, it's not been done with fidelity, based on the snippets we hear from Noah, but it's not my row to hoe anymore.  Gotta let that/them go.  I just wrapped up my school year as well as the reading interventionist at JW Wiseman Elementary and I am beat.  So this year's school wrap up will be brief. 

This Beautiful Feet World History curriculum doubled as a Literature credit, so Noah and Anna completed that the first semester by finishing up the last books to the very last pages.  It was hard!

Both Noah and Anna earned their half credit for Health with this Apologia curriculum. 

Both Noah and Anna completed a full year of Spanish 2 and it just about killed them both.  Anna completed Algebra 1 and it most definitely killed her this second semester.  She just barely squeaked by with a B that left her in tears as she saw her 4.0 GPA slip away.  Mom to the rescue!  I reminded her that we average her second semester with her first and after that, she eked by with an A by the skin of her teeth.  Relief ensued.  Noah completed an online Consumer Math course this year with Calvert Homeschool.

Both kiddos earned their Chemistry w/Lab credit at Legacy Enrichment.  Thankful for that resource!

Both kiddos earned their English 3 and Bible credits at Legacy Enrichment. 

Anna also enjoyed taking Photography as an elective this year.  She breezed through it.

Now we have Anna's freshly updated transcripts and she is ready to register for her first ever dual enrollment courses for the fall.  Exciting!

It was a slugfest getting through this second semester.  Life and divorce and 50/50 custody and high school courses you basically teach yourself ... all took a toll as we crawled our way to the finish line.  I hate that this is how this year will be remembered ... entirely shadowed by grief and loss and divorce trauma.  It is what it is.  The Lord has allowed it and all we could/can do is keep breathing, keep trucking.  Which we did.  Thankful for the downtime to recover this summer now and hopeful that the next school year will be brighter and lighter for my girl!

Lasa, for her part, struggled through third grade all year ... C's, D's, F's, and an occasional B.  She scored borderline on the high stakes TCAP testing and has to do either summer school or tutoring for all of fourth grade in order to move on to fourth grade.  I am hopeful that she can bounce back next year too. Please, Lord, help this poor thing. Second semester was a slugfest for her as week to week custody changes became her new normal ... and all her grades and her benchmark scores dropped even more.  But. BUT, she behaved herself at school and brought home a few sweet awards.


Amy Faye Brown said...

What a school year! Anything that was accomplished at all should be championed. A tough one for sure that rests in the dust of yesterday. Whew!

Praying over Noah's senior year that he is provided the resources and support he needs.

Praying for Lasa Lou and the topsy turvy world she resides in. May normalcy and routine be hers to claim.

And,! She clings to that 4.0, brought her ACT scores up and is embarking on the world of dual enrollment. Praying she gives herself some grace as she charges forward.

The star of the show is Mama who returned to the work world outside the home, provided a place of respite and care, kept up with all the things, and made sure her babies were well loved.

May this summer be a time of true relaxation and recharging for all of you! Looking forward to seeing how well this next school year will go.

Kimberly said...

Gosh, your words are so beautiful. Like a soothing blessing/prayer. That I get to receive them so deep down just moves me to tears. Why you always making me cry?? ;) Good tears. Thank you, Amy!