Nov 30, 2022

Nicely November

Kicked off November with high fever for this one that started up on Halloween, dang it.  Took a couple days off school to recover.  Squeezed in a little bedside homework for co-op, however, as his energy returned.  His germ got Anna and Josh, but they didn't fever long or high at all.  Almost not any, really.  But enough paranoia for us all that I pushed jugs of water and mucinex and elderberry on them just for good measure.  By the week's end, only Noah, Josh, and I were coughing. 

Most pretty leaves have already turned brown and fallen, but there were still enough bright spots that we found places to pull off the road and gather the goodness.

A half day when Lasa went to work with Josh for the afternoon.  She loves visiting Mrs. Robin.

A birthday lunch and shopping for a friend from Legacy.

And a bonus shot of the beautiful bag Anna decorated for Kate's gift.

That dang melanoma surgery I had.  Ended up being more of a thing than I expected it to be in terms of healing and recovery.  I feel like I say this about every medical procedure now... them being more involved than I planned for.  Ha!

Josh, Kendall, and Noah helping Daniel out with a new island countertop.

Kitty love continues.

Along with bunny adoration.  Always, our Valley girl.

Valley is a good sport about Bane.  He daily does this milk-sucking thing on the back of her neck like she's a momma kitty.  It's a self-soothing behavior (for kittens who were removed from their mothers too early) and it's weird and annoying to watch, but Valley doesn't seem to mind.  Maybe she thinks it's grooming, which bunnies bond with? 

Ethan and Noah, Anna and Josie and Lainey - just pics I swiped from their phones after a Saturday night of "Nachos and Nacho Libre" with the youth group.

Josh took a weekend trip to Edgar Evins State park with his friend, Chris, from work - they did several trail runs and kayaked in between the rain.

Was fun to get a few texts from Angelique again this month.

Was especially fun to take a couple days for family at Thanksgiving, too.  We packed it all in and then did Christmas presents from the grandparents to kick off the holiday season since we won't be seeing them in December.

Alllll the cousin pics at Mimmie's request.  Everyone was a good sport about it.
Thanksgiving Lunch at Lasa's school.  Josh was able to surprise Lasa by being there at the last minute.  We didn't think we'd make it since it was the day of my surgery, but timing worked out.  And surprising her made it even sweeter! 
Anna and Josh camped out in hammocks in the newly cleared out run-in shed on the side hill of our property.  They made it to midnightish ... the chilly 32 degrees won that game of chicken when it came time for Anna to go potty in the middle of the night.  She was done then.  Brrrrrr, for sure!
We got Christmas decor out after our Thanksgiving trip.  Lasa keeps us young and is alllll about alllll of it.
See the Kitty Bean? Adorbs.
Anna's gorgeous first art pieces with some new acrylic paints from my parents.
Sorry, not sorry, for another shameless cat pic.
We had to buy two cars' worth of new tires this month which was quite a sucker punch while we are trying to afford Christmas.  Oy!  And then the Amazon Prime renewal hit.  Ouch!  It worked out in our favor when Anna's oral surgeon refunded us some moolah that was an overcharge in the end.  Glad!  In other news, Noah started going to the gym with friends and fiddling around with Josh's guitar, so those are fun new interests to watch him come at. Anna's been doing a bit more babysitting and has appreciated that income as well.  Both are saving up for a youth winter retreat in Gatlinburg and summer camp; each has already paid for one or the other with the help of some Christmas money on their grandparent wish list.  Thankful!  And I got to have a couple lunches out with my dear friend, Cathy.  But I cannot for the life of me figure out why we never think to snap a selfie.  Phooey on that.
Anyway, ready to settle in now for December and Christmas and New Years!  See ya then!


Amy Faye Brown said...

Merry Christmas!
Love to all!

Kimberly said...

Love back at ya! Miss you.