Sep 28, 2021

Anna's 13th Birthday

Our Annagirl turned 13 this weekend.  THIRTEEN.  Whaaaaat?!?!  We now have two teenagers in the house. So bizarre a milestone to wrap my mind around.  But really, that Anna is such a smart and and helpful and pleasing soul, that she already feels all of 14 around here anyway.  This birthday feels like just a technicality.  Ha!  Technicalities count, though, and Anna enjoyed it all.  She picked Chick-Fil-A for her birthday meal since she misses CFA so much.  Our local one is closed for renovations still so we trekked all the way to Lebanon to have lunch with Josh for the occasion.  And of course, in true Covid-like fashion, that CFA was drive-thru only, so we picked up and met at the park for a picnic which was nicer anyway.

Back at home we got all the birthday goodies out:  nail art pens, nail wraps, a love handle strap for her phone, an artist's collection of colored pencils, several journals, a wire bunny decor piece, new luggage, a grown-up size camp chair, a new journaling bible in NLT, and some collapsible lanterns for camping.  Not pictured was one last gift we hid so well we couldn't find it til later - ha!  A fuzzy footstool for her bedroom.  Birthday money from grandparents were fun suprises that week, too.

Anna, being the dream birthday girl that she is, made her own birthday cake and a bonus set of gluten-free cupcakes to share with friends the next day.

How cute is she as we sang "Happy Birthday" after dinner?

Traditional birthday picture ... first time in her life it hasn't been taken on the back porch in Gallatin!

And then a day with Addie, Kate, and Mallory - they did a scavenger hunt, did hair, hit the hot tub, had lunch and cake and all the funny dad jokes they could come up with.  Thankful for these girls.

And even more thankful for the wise and witty and spacey spirit that is our Anna Noelle.  Here at 13 years, she's still so quick-minded, sincere, thoughtful, creative, emotional, curious, and brilliant.  She writes the best puns, peoms, and dad jokes, she's the perfect mix of little kid playful/mature and over it - ha!, she's so capable in all things, and she's managing moods more and more in the name of self-control.  She loves youth group, bunnies, art, Bunk'd, italian food, cute boots/booties, and books!  She is proud to announce her year spent trying to eat more and gain weight has been productive ... she grew 3+ inches (now 5'1.5") and 14 pounds since her last birthday, jumping her up to the 45%ile/33%ile respectively.  Awesome!  I am thrilled that see her so enjoying this personal victory.  In other birthday details, she still plans to do some sort of creative career one day - graphic designer or landscape architect top the list right now.  She is rocking out her high school work here as an 8th grader this year and says she loves how independent most of the work is.  She makes dinner about once a week, which is awesome.  And she's an indispensable help with her little sister.  She and Noah trade the most annoying/super funny banter and heckling at all hours of the day.  She and Josh really relate in quiet moments and quiet conversation.  With me, Anna shares a love of musicals and deep, reflective conversation.  Is she really only 13?  

Anna, my love, you are lovely.  You are lovable.  You are loving.  You are a precious gift and we love you to pieces forever.  Happy 13th birthday, beautiful one!

Love, Mom

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