Dec 31, 2024

My Beautiful Amaryllis

 My realtor gifted me with an amaryllis bulb this December and it has been my own private advent calendar activity - watching it emerge a little more every single day.  I have been fascinated. FASCINATED.  Behold.

This beautiful unfolding almost directly followed another really special unfolding in my life this month ... I can't wait to tell you!  I am now under contract on a home just around the corner from where we are renting now and the details of every step and sequence have been the neatest reassurances and go ahead from the Lord.  Stay tuned!  And enjoy my beautiful amaryllis blooms in the meantime.

December's Things

December was a delight and a flood and a gift and a little stinging and it packed some remarkable surprises by month's end.  I took my first ever work trip, Noah and Anna stayed home alone together quite well.  Anna kept up a crazy busy social schedule and I missed her very very much.  Noah got another good visit in with his birthparents.  I won a drawing at that work thing for over $2000 worth of decodable readers for my students.  I WENT UNDER CONTRACT ON A HOME.  We decked the halls for the holidays and did all the fun Christmas stuff we had energy for.  Proud to not have done too much just for the sake of keeping up. I spent my first ever Christmas without Lasa and didn't end up in tears as I feared I would.  I rested so very much over the two weeks off from school.  I finished three books and got started on a new crochet project. I Bunco'd and Cookie Swapped.  My parents came for a visit.  Bane brought another bird in the house.  Anna met Christ Tomlin! And the Cocoa and Calculations Drive-Thru event our Title 1 Team put together went off so wonderfully, despite below freezing temps.  I was so proud and grateful to my church for sponsoring the snacks for the night and to my dear friend and pastor's wife for donating beautiful brand new books for the occasion.  Finally, I completed my first half a school year working full time and Anna clawed her way to the end of her first college courses via dual enrollment.  It's been a ride!

I feel like this FB post wraps up this year's blogging well.  Goodbye, 2024, with your many highs and many lows.  Welcome 2025!