Mar 5, 2014

You Call That SNOW?

Josh and I only mope a little about the fact that we just can't get a big ole snow dump here in TN.  Just keep getting enough snow to SEE, and enough cold to freeze, but not enough to get out and BECOME ONE with, you know? So when we got a bit of an ice storm a few days ago, I wouldn't even bother to step outside to snap some pics.  But Josh did get to stay home from work Monday, so I made him earn his keep by snapping some pics in my stead. 

I take that back.  I did step onto the porch to take these shots at least. 

It's the third snow day in a row around here and most people are acting like it is KILLING them to be home with their children.  Whatevs, people.  The homebody that is Kimmie is in her sweet spot at home.  And she doesn't mind the kids either.  Ha!  Anyway, we are marching bravely on to OUR school getting out in early May so we trucked right on through three school days here.  The end is in sight and it is VERY motivating.  Almost there!


Cindy said...

Claire woke up this morning with a sore throat, so I kept her home from gymnastics camp. She and Ben have played so well together this week. He's been really happy to have her home. I ended up hiding in my closet for my conference call this morning :-)

Kimberly said...

I think Claire is a homebody deep, deep down, too. :}

Emily said...

yay!! and again, Keep that snow up "north" Because this girl has officially become a Sunny Southern girl. But it IS PRETTY in YOUR pictures :)

Kimberly said...

Could you and I BE any more different?!