Mar 24, 2014

Noah At Play

Noah's play obsession (not counting video games) is, hands-down, his Lego Chima Speedorz.

 Something about his buddies at co-op loving them that makes Noah love them, too. I snapped some shots of him at play yesterday.  I think he was amused that I was actually down on the floor with him.

He sets up the ramps and stunt stations with such care.

That's the speedor in his hand there.  I didn't manage to take a good shot of him launching them, but they are kinda like Beyblades, except the speedorz actually roll straight instead of spinning around and around.  And there is a cartoon series for Chima, too, that really gets Noah into character.

I just love the giant hole in his jeans.  That is so him at this age.  Wearing out the knees in EVERY pair of jeans he has.

More set up.

That tongue stickin' out is proof of how perfectly lined up he makes them. Precious.

Love the shape of his cutie pie mouth when he's making sound effects.

Love watching him at play!


Emily said...

LOVED. Everything. About. This post. I soooo can't wait to see Jack doing that same sort of stuff…but he has already worn out knees in his jeans…Does this mean I will be buying jeans every week? I better go find me some denim patches!

Kimberly said...

And when you find a good deal on jeans, buy up the sizes for the coming years, too. You will NOT regret having that affordable stash on hand.