Jun 29, 2019

Bunnies: Good News/Bad News

Welp, Mother Nature dealt us a hard blow this week when we discovered Jenny's entire sweetie pie litter had died.  There are so many reasons this could have been and I know this is so common and all, but my gut says the weather is to blame for waterlogging the ground that either suffocated the kits down there or simply got them too wet down in their hole and they got too chilled or even drowned (which is confusing because the nest was dry, but the bunnies were wet?).  It was so sad finding their lifeless bodies and even sadder watching Jenny become so depressed.  I had had a hunch the day or two before that she was acting super clingy and weird about her nest (which isn't normal for rabbits who intentionally LEAVE their nests all day) and I wondered if that meant something was wrong.  Sure enough, it was.  😞  We didn't even consider how Jenny's chosen nest location being closer to the edge of the bunny yard made it vulnerable to water from the outside of that covered area.  Ugh!! Noah and Anna took the sad news so well - one commented immediately that that's nature and the other felt a bit of relief that there were less baby bunnies to have to worry over and rehome anyway.  

On the brighter side of our bunny updates this week, this happened!  Video footage of the first time Padme's litter came out of the hole all on their own and explored their area!   We died at the cuteness of all those little furballs moving about.

That gave us the go ahead to remove them entirely from the nest and move them into the hutch.  This was also a relief because there is just such a potential for sickness and infection the longer they stay in that space where they were kindled and nursed and were dirtying up with pee and poop more every day.  They have enjoyed their new hutch and all the playtime they get when we let them out to romp and run around their partitioned area.  And you KNOW Noah and Anna are thoroughly enjoying this new baby bunny stage.  Josh and I are too, honestly.  It's gonna be a fun July with them! We are also being cautiously realistic about the chances that they'll all still survive.  Tummy troubles can kill a baby bunny real quick as they try out hay and pellets in the coming weeks.  Some are already nibbling.  And one of these jokesters chewed through our bunny cam cord, too.  😏

We thought Padme's litter had only 6 of these cuties, but we discovered a seventh in there during the move - another little white one!  That extra lively surprise softened the blow of discovering Jenny's lost litter that same morning.

We have taken to giving them temp names for while they are here because it's just too dang fun - there is a Luke and Leia, a Rooster, a Night, a Millie (in honor our long, lost Molly back in January), Inky, and one of the white ones remains unnamed, though we have considered Lambie ...

We have three of the bunnies already spoken for and a few other peeps coming this week to see them and consider. Wish us luck finding them all homes!  They will be ready to leave Momma Padme as early as the first weekend of August.

Stormy, Steamy, and other Stuff

Good gracious, it's been a dicey week weatherwise and a super busy week otherwise!  Daily and unpredictable pop-up storms packed a punch, felled trees galore, rained hail, knocked out power, and flooded all of middle-TN creation.  It's been exciting with a side of scary!  And in between all that excitement, it's been so stinking hot and steamy!  Our only options are to swim or wait until the sun goes down to go outside - ha!  This week was also VBS at church.  I am still recovering from working it last year, so I sent Josh in my place this year.  Noah went as Josh's assistant and Anna attended and had a blast.  That meant Lasa and I had one-on-one time every night of the week so she and I did fun things to make it special for her, too.  As well, we had comfy new soft carpet installed for two days over the entire upstairs; that has been a huge chore and pain in the rear, but it's finally done and it's so stinking wonderful now.  And bonus - it prompted so much good clearing out of crap.  Lots of trash and donations and stuff getting sold and outta here - our big honking elliptical included, thankyouLord.  Anyway, pics of some of all these sum, sum, summertime ways we passed the time this week...


And last but not least, Noah participated in another Smash Bros. Tournament along with a couple buds along for the ride with him, William and Colman.  Anna, too, for moral support!

And of course, it's been an exciting week with the bunnies, who will get a post all their own next.  Good and bad things to report...

Jun 24, 2019

Backyard Bounty Beyond Bunnies

Blackberries and raspberries aplenty ...

which means smoothies on demand.

We have been getting rained on like crazy the past 10 days or so ... look at these beautiful drops!

Grapes are coming along. 

Figs, too.


Tomatoes.  A couple big ones and a handful of grape tomatoes ripen every day.  Noah's roma tomatoes are taking their sweet time though.

Also, a new badminton set that Noah, especially, is loving so much.

And always, swimming pool smiles.

Multiplying Like Rabbits

We are living the phrase "Multiplying like rabbits" over here of course.  Now that we have pics of (almost) all the newcomers, I wanted to submit our bunny math reality over here.  

This sneaky buck +

these 2 beautiful does =

11 kits, 9 of which are pictured here.

For anyone who is counting heads out back, that comes to a grand total of 15 (FiFtEeN) bunnies in my backyard.  Plus this enamored look from our resident day-to-day bunny caretaker who cannot wait to spend hours and hours crawling in kits for hours at a time once they are all fully out of their nests. We plan to move Padme's litter to the hutch this week here soon, since their eyes are now open and they move around pretty well.

Jun 20, 2019

Mermaid Hair

Anna's been excited about one line item on our Summer Bucket List - dying the tips of her hair blue.  We finally got around to doing it yesterday while hanging out at Cathy's since Cathy has done it several times on her Emma.  Anna is ga-ga for her pretty new mermaid blue/green tips.  I think we will grab another couple packets of Kool-Aid to add in a little more length and deepen the color at some point.  But honestly, we just love how it turned out to begin with anyway!  Super subtle, but super pretty!

The plan is to simply trim the ends at summer's end.  Or not, ha!  Sweet fun!