Apr 28, 2017

Anna and ADD

So, I don't think I have gone into much detail about how long and how severely we have struggled with Anna's inability to focus and her subsequent inability to complete things she starts, remember even the most common and routine responsibilities, keep up with things, etc.  For years we have just endured it all and prodded her along incessantly, chalking it up to her personality and general childishness.  This year, however, it reached a breaking point; it began to interfere with family life, I became concerned for her anxiety-wise, punishments were being doled out in extreme ways, it was taking a toll on mood for all in the home, and all of this became wearing enough that Josh finally agreed with me that maybe there was something more going on than just little girl spaceyness.  It has seriously been a growing concern for me for years now.

So, with Josh's blessing, in January I took Anna for a well-check and asked the dr for some feedback regarding ADHD.  She said it sounded easily like a diagnosis and treatment plan was in order at this point and age.  She gave me some surveys to complete and have completed by another adult in Anna's life, and we finally made our way back there earlier this month to follow-up.  I had a lengthy list of typical symptoms that were concerning us and a list of Anna's descriptions of what it has been like/feels like for her.  This list was so lengthy, I didn't even get through them all before the dr was convinced and we were talking medication options.  I left her office feeling hopeful for Anna and us along with her.  What I did not anticipate after that was how complicated it would get before we could actually get the dang prescription filled.  It took a solid week of a million phone calls and finagling options, but we started our girl on an extended-release stimulant last week.  And let me just tell you - It was a difference maker from the get-go.  I almost wasn't sure that it was the medicine or just our excitement at the prospect of improvement.  See here that first morning after taking it, a text I sent Josh...

Now, a full week in, I am happy to report that Anna has enjoyed a fulllllll week of success on this front.  She is finishing what she starts, she is accomplishing what she sets out to do, she is aware of herself and time around her, she is remembering what she is responsible for, she has time to spare after completing those things, she enjoys not having me breathing down her neck at last! She has experienced not a single side effect (which was my primary concern - sleep, appetite, mood being effected) and has not had to be prodded along for any. of. the. daily. and. hourly. and minutely. things that were plaguing us before this.  Now I know the effectiveness of this med can change over time, as well as any side-effects, but for now we are just tickled pink at the positive results for her.  She is taking the smallest dosage available and, as I expected, it is JUST the edge she needed to be able to connect and be present with the things she wants to be and needs to be involved with every day.   Coupled with her new skill of finally being able to swallow a pill whole (ha!), this girl feels like a rock star.  I almost want to pinch us both, it has gone so smoothly and successfully.

So anyway, all that to say - this is a new thing we are doing with Anna and we are pretty pumped about it! We go back to her dr in a few weeks to talk about how it's going and I have some questions for her about nutritional supplements I can help Anna with going forward.  I joined a parents of ADHD kiddos group page on FB and am learning SO MUCH. Interested to get feedback from her dr. about things I am reading there.  Wish us luck as we go forward!  Off to a strong start and thanking the Lord for that big time!

Field Day + Last Days

The kiddos enjoyed their last day at Anchored Enrichment with another Field Day.  So thankful they have these people and activities to mark each year with.  I did not attend this year because I would end up chasing after Lasa the whole time.  But next year, she will be at her own PDO program on the same day so I will be so glad to return and take in the fun with my big kids again.  Here are a few pics I swiped off our Anchored FB group page.  One mom in Noah's class takes a ton of wonderful pics, so that is why he is very well represented in this photo dump.  Sorry, Anna!  


Anna would like you to know that she got a second-place ribbon in the Sack Race. ;)

In the interest of beefing up Anna's representation in this post, I offer up a pic from her last day at her American Girl Sewing Class this week as well.  It was a wonderful three month course and she is so proud of all her creations - which included a prom dress, apron, headband, blanket, pillow, sleep mask, night gown, travel neckrest, boa scarf, beach bag, cape & hat.

Our next last day will be the last day of school.  Almost there.  NINE days lefts, wrapping up in two weeks!  This year was hard, but, gosh, it was fast!

Berry Season's Back!

I can't believe I don't remember ever picking strawberries as a kid.  This has become such a staple of all our springs here in TN, I can't imagine that my kids could ever forget this fun tradition.  Berries for lifffffffffffffffffe!  This year we made two different types of freezer jam, popsicles, syrup, strawberry shortcake, and just plain old strawberries dipped in sugar or whipped cream.  


I realized this week that, as many times as we have been, Josh has never gone with us!  We've gone with friends many a time, with cousins, with Memaw even!, but never a Daddy since we always go during the week in the mornings.  Since Lasa was not with us for this run this week, I think we might try to pop back by there again after hours or on the weekend so they can both take in the full berry-season goodness at last.

Apr 26, 2017

21 Months: Lasa Lexicon

Here at her newly-minted 21 month old status (today!), the most noticeable thing about her lately is that Lasa girl has found her voice. She is quite the chatty thing and she is quite assertive.  If you don't respond, she will just repeat her chosen word ad nauseam and at higher and higher volumes until you do.  HA!  


Here is the latest translation guide for anyone who might be around her here lately ...   
  • cuh cuh - cracker
  • beebee - baby
  • shone - phone
  • gookie - cookie
  • wo-wah - Noah
  • yah-yah - Anna
  • sassuh - Lasa
  • meeeemuh - Memaw
  • goo - school
  • ho - home
  • see - I wanna see
  • shwee - swing 
  • gasses - glasses
  • gress - grapes
  • osss - yes
  • bush - brush or push, depending on situation ;)
  • bupple - apple
  • geekee - stinky
  • waaaaaaaay - rain
  • Gee Gah, Keekoo, meemee - Dear God, Thank you.  Amen.
  • poo - shampoo
  • beo - beard
  • kee kuh - clean up
  • wook - look
  • caw cwee - all clean
  • keekoo - thank you
  • sigh - outside
  • eshoo - bless you and ALSO her sneeze reenactment
  • pay - play
  • kway - train
  • co - coat
  • waho - water
  • jissssss - juice 
  • jinjo - gentle
  • muss - mess 
  • doe - door
  • buh - bug 
  • dadoo - Thomas (as in Thomas the Train)
  • he-yo - here, and she opens and closes her hand at you to follow
Other right-about-now tidbits:
  • She is terrified of pine cones.  Backs away slowly every time she comes upon one.
  • She hates the feeling of thong sandals; cries out Uh Oh! Uh Oh! (like she's been violated) and thrashes in floor to kick them off.  Does not approve of the feeling of the thing between her toes.
  • Her signature dance move is a prancey gallop between both feet, over and over again.
  • She comes ALIVE when Daddy gets/is home.
  • She is a master of the home key on any and every iPad and iPhone she can get her hands on.
  • She always wants to be about what Bubba and YahYah are about.
  • She loves to steal our seats when we get up from anywhere.
  • She cannot stand it when Noah is near me, laying on me, touching me.  Gets real territorial and only wants herself to be allowed near me in that way. It's absurd.  And funny.  And annoying.
  • She has finally figured out how to play by herself for little spurts of time during our school day - usually in her dollhouse, her play kitchen, with the animals bin, or with crayons and coloring book. 
  • She LOVES her baby dolls.  She has begun trying to dress them, feed them, soothe them, rock them in the cradle, and do their hair ... complete with putting them in the hair chair and pretend spraying water on their hair.
  • She has the sassiest, most biting way of saying No.  It's not nice at all.  Kinda like nnnnnnnnnnnnnNO!  with a bite at the end almost.  So I have been having her repeat "No thank you" each time she says it.  She's willing to play along.  It comes out nnnnnnnnnnNO (with biting sass still). Keekoo (thank you)."  😂
  • She doesn't have any one favorite book anymore.  She loves them all.  And she has a bunch!
  • And finally, omigosh y'all, she is gonna make me have to literally get out my books about training and correcting a child's heart all over again.  We are back at square one in this dept.  And she is sort of a selfish little beast with friends around.  So, like, it's go time. Again.  How are we 21 months into this and I am stillllll just coming around to the fact that we are actually doing this parenting littles thing again? 

Lasa, you are a TRIP.  You are the cutest thing ever.  And we love you to pieces.

Apr 17, 2017

Anna's First Game

Anna has been practicing for several weeks now with her first ever coach-pitch baseball team, the Fireflies.  She's been excited to have another turn at bat this season, after taking a year off after tball two falls ago, but nervous that she might be the weak link on the team.  As it turns out, she is somewhere right in the middle in terms of batting, and toward the front of the pack with fielding.  Her assigned position on the diamond is second base for the most part.  She has a really great coach and good teammates, so so far this season has been off to a smooth start.  Also nice, Anna is not the only girl on her team; there is one other girl named Rose.


 This weekend was her first game.  She's the cutest.  Proof coming right up in the following pics.


Second base, eye on the batter, great little in-fielder!

Anna struck out her first time at bat.  Josh said it looked like she was fighting back tears.  Not sure why.  Most kids were striking out.  Hitting from a pitcher is apparently MUCH harder for 7/8 years olds than hitting off a tee. ;)  Entirely developmentally appropriate.  It will be a big growing year for them all.  

Luckily, Anna's second time at bat, she got a hit and made it to second base.  Video below.


It was a long 6 innings and a very close call, but in the end Anna and the rest of the Fireflies took home the win, 4-3.  Anna was bouncing all over the place with excitement.  

It's become tradition to swing by Thornton's on the way home from a hot afternoon game to pick up Icees.  

I dig her team's snazzy socks, which were a surprise to receive at the game.  Nice!

Gonna be a sweet season cheering on cutie pie #5!

Go, Fireflies!

Apr 16, 2017

Easter Sunday

Easter Goodies

Easter Sweets

Lasa's Easter Past

Lasa's Easter Present

Easter Outtake - booboos are a big deal for her.  😜

Was trying to get just the right shot of her to share on our Jonah's Journey page.  
She was not cooperating. 


Oh well!  No perfect shot this year.  But there's a sort of perfection in imperfection is what I am coming around to. ❤️

It was so wonderful to hear a roomful of our church family belting out worship songs this morning.  I love Redeemer Church so much!  We will wrap up this Easter with a visit with Lasa's momma later this afternoon.  Good Easter Sunday!

The Passion of the Christ

Last night, we decided that this year would be fitting to finally let the kids take in The Passion of the Christ movie.

They were pretty excited at the news.  Almost a silly excitement. So we had a talk about the seriousness and the severity of what would be depicted in this movie.  And the kids understood as much as they could without really knowing what was coming.  We all settled in to watch it together.

It didn't take long for Noah and Anna to tense up a little.  We stopped a lot of times to talk about the Scripture portrayed and prophecy fulfilled in different scenes, the symbolism around Satan's role and Judas' losing of his mind basically, the critical and necessary theology being depicted.

As you know, it gets hard to watch.  We would fast forward in some of the more prolonged graphic scenes and stop here and there to watch what they could.  We wanted the kids to absorb the awfulness and the agony.  They did.  We talked about how amazing it was that Jesus would endure such torture ... in meekness, in obedience, in control, in absolute determination to accomplish God's will.  It's pretty humbling and sobering to watch happening.  The kids really got all of this.

By the end of the movie, Noah was covering his ears AND one of his eyes and curled as low as he possibly could, but was riveted and could not look away.  He made a number of really astute observations and predictions throughout.  Two seconds into a scene, he would recall exactly where this was in the Bible, before I even recognized it!

Anna had watery eyes and questions and comments throughout.  At one point, she remarked, "I have read this so many times in my Bible but I didn't it know it was this bad!"

The teaching moments we had throughout and afterwards are so special to me and Josh.  We are so glad for waiting til this year and for deciding to watch this with them this year.  They are nearing the end of a Baptism bible study with Josh with their own baptisms coming shortly after, we think.  I am glad for them to attach the weight of all this to that act of obedience.  I don't think they will ever look at a drawing of Jesus the same again.  I don't think they will overlook the significance of what we sing about on Sundays ever again.  This movie is just so vivid a reenactment.  We are so thankful for it and for the reality of the story it tells!