Sep 30, 2015

Weekend Wins

We had a winning weekend.  Saturday's win was with another of Anna's tball games.  It was a nail-biter, but Preston (our awesome pitcher) saved the team there in the last inning.  Some shots of my girl and her teammates...

What a windup!


Sunday's win was a really encouraging visit with Lasa's mom.  Winning because a) she came! b) she was even early! c) she had baby's pharmacy card in hand for me! WOW! d) she loved her time with baby and baby was alert and happy and playful the whole 2+ hours. e) conversation flowed well and I feel like a trust from her is growing. f) people kept stopping by to rave about how gorgeous Lasa was - I loved that Angelique could soak in those kindnesses. g) Angelique is about to check in to a different rehab program which is so encouraging because it shows her effort and that she is not giving up. h) she spoke about missing baby which shows a growing bond and affection which is a good sign. i) we got to buy her some snacks and give her a ride to her Granny's in Gville afterwards and it was just a great visit from start to finish. j) Josh who has the lowest expectation for momma came away saying he has hope now. k) which we will temper with realistic expectations, but still.  Hope!

Hope Wins.  And a higher t-ball score than your opponents, too. 

Photo Love

A friend took this shot at a field trip last week that we didn't go to because I wimped out on taking baby on the road to KY for the festivities.  No worries!  We missed hanging with out buddies, but we have been to Jackson's Orchard a million times.  I do so love this pic and wanted to keep it here.

Welcome, Fall! You're my fave.

Sep 29, 2015

About that Eye

Oh, good Lord, the eye.  We have been dealing with it, it being the chalazion, since JUNE.  EARLY June.  It started out just annoying.  We thought it was just a stye and treated it as such.  Then it stayed longer than expected and only seemed to worsen.  We hit up the pediatrician about it.  And we started double timing the compresses and massages.  Which were a battle every time I had to make her sit still for them.

But none of that helped.  And we were quickly OVER IT ALL.  It finally worsened to the point of taking action ... and the only option for it was surgically draining the beast.  We met up with a pediatric opthamalogist at Vanderbilt for a consult ...

...and, shortly after that, bit the bullet and scheduled her surgery ... after we got over the $2000 sticker shock.  And that amount after insurance covers $8000!!  What a racket!  Anyway, thankful for our savings, and for flex spending money that starts anew in December.  I am also thankful Josh has so many sick days banked.  He took today off to take her while I stayed home with Noah and Lasa.

This morning before they left, I asked Anna how she felt.  "I feel fine.  I am only a little nervous."  Me, too, kid! Her last words, however, as they pulled out of the garage in response to Josh's guess about how they would sedate her were, "What?!?! No one told me there would be NEEDLES!"

Things moved slowly getting set at the hospital, but Anna enjoyed that and the fact that she had an iPad all to herself.  And truth-be-told, she kinda likes the attention she gets when she is a "patient."

When they told her she would need to change into a gown, she was all "OoooOOOOOooooh!" Ha!  Pretty as a princess even in blah gray.

Lounging before they took her back.  Thankfully, they sedated her with gas first and then with an IV after that.  Josh felt really confident in the team and the procedure after about ten of them came in beforehand to talk about our concerns and what they were going to do.

It went quickly and smoothly.  Dr. Benegas said it was filled to the max. How preciously pitiful is she after the deed is done?  Waiting to wake back up.

On the way home, Josh said she was groggy and that her eye hurt.

We have some cream to treat it and some game plans for preventing and then dealing with it again should it return ... which is apparently more possible than not with these sorts of things.  Good times!  :S

When she woke up enough to focus, she was eager to tell me a joke one of the nurses told her.  "Hey, Mommy!  How do you make a tissue dance?" :} I stole her thunder by knowing the answer already. Oops!  Anyway, Anna has to wear the bandage til tomorrow.  So curious to see how it looks and how it heals up!

Sep 26, 2015

Mile Marker TWO Months

Right on the heels of Anna's birthday, our other little bird marked 2 months old today.  

She's sleeping much longer stints at night these days - often 6+ hours between feedings at night, she's less grunty and gassy thanks to a smidge of Sensitive formula in her bottles, she is enjoying the relief of Zantac twice a day, she also enjoys having her feet and calf muscles rubbed, she usually still keeps those little hands tight and fisted, oftentimes she will lick them if they land in front of her mouth, she is finally out of newborn diapers and out of newborn clothes, she coos like an angel, she grins a ton, she rarely spits up, she is so great in her carseat, she is aware enough to interact with the new playgym we got her, she attracts the attention of everyone everywhere we go, she only cries when her milk is not presented when she expected it to be, she is quite content during baths now, she weighs in at 11 lbs 4 oz at this point, which is in the 25 %ile.  Her doctor says she doesn't even look like a preemie anymore, she is thriving so! ♥  Some shots of the birthday bit these past couple weeks...

Happy Two Months, Lasa Love! 
You are our precious angel and we love getting to watch you grow.

Sep 25, 2015

Anna Goes SEVEN

There are just not enough words in the world for me to write just the right birthday tribute to this Anna child of mine.  This sweet heart, this impressively quick mind, this challenge of moods, this blessed mess of a girl.  This girl who hugged me this morning and said in her snuggle-me voice, "No matter how big I get, I will always be your baby." Too, too (or is it tu-tu) true. :}

Oh my soul, how I adore her and every next thing she says.  It is quite fitting that there is more to report this year about the things she says than anything else! And the things she creates, too. Goodness, the fountain of words and ideas that flow from that heart of hers every day.  I am riveted by all her endeavors and what they reveal about her perspective and desires and abilities!

Things she's said these past months that make me catch my breath, shed a tear, laugh out loud, or go straight bug-eyed. Ha!
  • When she was praised for her extreme flexibility, she said, "Ever since I was born I was meant for gymnastics, I think."
  • "The last time I walked into a spider web I was not afraid.  I was terrified!!!"
  • About my enchiladas she said, "Well, they're not very good, but they're not very bad."
  • She sighed, "Mary's heart must have been broken," while watching Superbook episode of Jesus' crucifixion.
  • "I have the best present of all, I can carry it around anywhere anytime - great big strong hugs!!"
  • When Noah was pulling pieces of carpet out, she protested, "Don't pull that out of the rug; then it will be softless!"
  •  "Did you know my brother is the richest boy here?!" when he earned $200 at Christmas from Papa John.
  • When we had her practice how to show self-control in the face of someone antagonizing her, she boasted, "Now I am ready for anything - even Papa John!"
  • When she was upset with Noah, she threatened, "I am gonna tickle you mercyless, mercyless, mercylessly ly ly!"
  • She will stop us in our tracks at dinner when she maturely inquires, "How was YOUR day, Daddy?"
  • She can't remember to pick up her clothes, or turn off the light, or take her vitamins, or follow 3 step directions, but she has started to issue reminders of her own.  Ha! "Mommy, don't forget to wear short sleeves to church tomorrow because remember the last time you were in that toddler room you got so hot."
  • When Cathy offered her shirts she said, "Ummm, well my closet is pretty full already.  I have to BORROW hangers."
  • When I said it would make me very happy if she helped with something, she said, "Will it make you pay-me-a-dollar happy?"
  • She comforted our first foster placement brothers when they were afraid of the noisy trees in the wind, "Don't be afraid, the Lord will protect you.  And besides, it's like our song, Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you.  ... That's just the wind, God makes it!  And that's just the trees ... it's like they are praising the Lord, [puts both arms up] saying, Oh, Mighty God!"
  • I heard her whisper to herself when finishing her first chapter book, "I am so excited, I am almost done!"
  • Giggled while reading a Fancy Nancy book, "Yeah, that happens to me, too."  I asked what she was talking about and she showed me the part where Nancy packs snacks because "it's hard to be creative when you are hungry". :} 
  • When she asked me to put her in wrestling and I told her I thought it was only a boy's sport, she retorted, "Pardon me?!?!?"
  • Seeing a commercial for hair extensions, she said it was creepy. And that she wanted some too so she could be creepy and take her hair off.
  • "Today something very, very very very very gross happened at the park.  It was so hot and I was so sweaty, my underwear was wet!"
  • When I asked her why she hadn't brushed her hair yet, she reasoned, "Because I am already having a good hair day!"
  • "Think is a weird word, as is ink." ?????
  • Some of her Lasa commentary .... "Baby is stinky, baby's hair is so silky, baby is so cute! I think she's a fortunate baby to have so much hair." After a hard day with Lasa's mom and hearing our concerns for poor Lasa, it made Anna think because then she recounted all her own blessings - parents she can rely on, days she knows what's coming, homeschooling, bible study, and her Maker Space. 
  • Oh my word, her prized Maker Space.  It's a room in Josh's shed dedicated solely to all her creations and crafts.  It's where she can work on her projects and not have to clean up.  Ha! 
  • She wondered aloud one day during Bible, "I know all the descendants came from Abraham, but who were Abraham's parents?!"
  • When I asked if the small group babysitter was on her phone the whole time, Anna asked, "Why is that a concern of yours?"
  • She asked for a bottle of whipped cream for her birthday ... to put her name on and eat whenever she wants ... and also so she can eat like a minion - squirting it directly into her mouth "with a cherry and tiny umbrella."
  • She stalked inside after a long time in the backyard by herself and announced, "I am freaking hot!" Yikes!  Mommy's gotta curb the "freaking" usage.
  • Another day she came inside and announced, "Ok, IIIIII am hangry!"  I didn't even know she knew that word!
  • After climbing over the gate to get into Cindy's pool instead of unlocking the lock as she had been told, she said,  "I was afraid if I put in the wrong combination, it would explode."
  • Anna cried on the way to the beach after seeing chickens in a hauler on the interstate and learning where and to what end they were being hauled.  On that same trip, she ran to our spot on the beach asking me to take her to the bathroom.  She was downright scandalized at my telling her she would have to pee in the ocean. "Whaaaaaaaaaat?! Are you serious?!?!?!?" she shrieked.
  • She says my last name growing up (Higginbotham) was weird.  Then she giggles at how botham sounds like bottom and does a spot-on minion imitation saying, "bottom". It's kinda hilarious.
  • An Anna original joke, in honor of Lasa and the reptiles we are studying in science - "What is a baby's favorite snake?  A RATTLEsnake."
  • When were were discussing some geometry terms in math, I explained the meaning of TRI in triangle and compared it to TRIcycles, too.  She goes, "Ohhhhhhhh, I always thought it was called a TRYcycle because you are trying to learn to ride!"
  • She walked out on the porch and sat across from me and in that quiet moment said to me what I always say to her, "Do you know that I love you?"
  • Big words she's surprised me with by using in perfect context:  Expression, Hypothesis, Rambunctious, Illusion, Apparently, Exaggerated, Demonstrate, Transparent, Articles of clothing.
Other sweet 7 y.o. Anna deets:
  • She is wearing size 6/6x clothes, slim when I can get them.  She is a scrawny thing at any size. And she is in size 12/13 shoes.
  • She weighs in at 42 pounds and is 48 inches tall.  A perfect 4 feet. ♥
  • She's lost two teeth so far, both on the bottom middle.
  • Her haircut is my favorite of hers to date.  I snapped pics to show the stylist next time we go.  We want this length, this style again. It makes that crazy weird wave in the back make sense.
  • She's had two cases of strep and required TWO "surgeries" this summer alone.  (the second coming up next week).  She's on the same three allergy meds as last year and holding steady.
  • She will revolve her hips around and around when standing still - so weird. I guess it's hard to be bony.  I wouldn't know. :}
  • Her best buddy is her brother whether she realizes it yet or not.  They have really grown into partners in crime.  Not just because of homeschooling together now, but also because they have to amuse themselves while I do the baby thing every day, too.  Interestingly, Anna is the leader as often as Noah is.  Usually in the figuring-new-things-out dept.  Like scaling the mailbox last week.  Noah didn't get the nerve to see it through until AFTER Anna had done so first. :}
  • She has come a LONG way in the self-control department.  That is almost never an issue anymore.  Shouting at her brother kinda is again though.  Ha! 
  • She's a girly girl some days and an adventurer the next.  See here, they were hunting rabbits and making traps ... 
  • She adds words to the text in books when she reads aloud because she just likes to. :} 
  • She can wash her own hair now, but a thorough rinsing of the shampoo is sort of hit and miss.  
  • She continues to be a human pretzel without even noticing what she is doing. 
  • She so enjoys going to the dentist that she gets upset at the fact that she can't go back for six months.
  • She read her first chapter books this year ... has read a handful of them by now.  All Nancy Clancy's, which she INSISTS on reading in order, which gets dramatic when the next number in the series is not available at the library.
  • Is passionate about utilizing her first aid kit, being a detective, and telling the future.  She gets lost in her own world of Nancy reenactments.  It is so precious to watch.
  • She hangs in there with her brother in the Lego department. 
  • Have I told you lately how stinking SMART this girl is?  Reading and connecting and speaking and retaining without trying?  But let me balance that by telling how stinking SLOW she is when it comes to actually writing and completing her work.  Wowzers!
  • And then, just to make a liar, out of me, she went and wrote this POV journal entry the other day without fussing and needing prodding to finish.  I kinda love it! 
  • She is SUCH an inventive thing, always making one thing or another or fashioning her own copies of things.  The downside of this is that she uses up all my tape in the process.  And leaves my scissors all over the house and I have to hunt for them. 
  • She was THRILLED at the suggestion of using the upstairs hallway as an art gallery for her masterpieces.  She has filled up the wall with about 5 more pieces than are pictured already, too.  I have offered her the opposite wall when the time comes.

  • Potty humor is never lost on her.  Even when she wants to be grumpy, she will bust out in grins if Daddy says something like poopoo.    
  • Some of her latest inventions included a solar oven, smelling potions, a birthday crown, a rattle for baby, a rake, a ribbon stick, and every letter, list, invite, and note under the sun packed with all the heart and earnestness that paper and marker can hold.
  • Her room looks like this lately ... and only because we have cracked down on making her keep it up.  Yes, this is kept up. :}
  • She is so smart yes - but she is also wildly absentminded.  Picture a wet, half-naked little girl playing the middle of her room after a shower because she got distracted while getting dressed.  That is Josh's reality when he is trying to get the child ready for bed.  She looks up with Uh-Oh eyes, knowing she's been caught messing around again, and just admits straight up, "I got distracted again."
  • Can I submit another sample of her creative streak?  And her bible study?  This.  I kid you not, she called this the Tabernacle and pointed out the ARK OF THE CONVENANT, THE ANGELS THERE ON EACH SIDE, and THE MERCY SEAT. Oh, be still my heart.
  • She makes Noah's lunches on Thursdays even though he never wants to do the same for her.  She even went so far as to write him a note on his napkins this past week ... "I love you, Noah. From Anna."  When it counts, the girl is sugar and spice and everything nice, I tell ya.
  • As ever, she loves rainy days like her momma.  Here, she was patiently waiting on the playground in rainboots and holding her umbrella, waiting for the first drops to fall one day.
  • Her birthday wish list included all sorts of odd practicalities -  a calendar, hand-held mirror, bike bag, single-person tent, whipped cream, and dangly earrings.  We did not get the tent, but we did get her an American Girl doll, a similar sized Fancy Nancy doll, a quesadilla maker, a Lego cruise ship set (giant!), a necklace, headbands, juggling set, and an owl for her room (from Mrs. Cindy).  
  • It should be noted that Mrs. Emmie took care of the dangly earrings for her, and Memaw and Papa John sent her an entirely precious Fancy Anna outfit complete with tu-tu and matching bows from head to shirt to skirt as seen in the first pic.

Annabelle, I don't worry that you got too many presents this year, my sweet, because it compensates for how little fanfare your poor birthday is getting at all.  Having three kiddos so suddenly and homeschooling two and keeping up with all our activities has stolen the show and there is not much time or energy for anything else.  We will go out to eat at a new restaurant of your choosing - Pie 5 - and come home and have the cake of your choosing - chocolate chip cookie cake - and open presents and grin over you.

And you don't even mind at the simplicity of our celebration.  We will look forward to the traditional Birthday First excursion of your choosing this year ... hiking to the bottom of a waterfall ... which we will do next weekend after your tball game.  Thank you for being such a pleasing little team player in this season of our family's life.  It's just one more reason that I beam to admit how very proud of you I am.

Baby Love, do you know I love you?  ♥ That I think you are just neatest girl I will ever meet? ♥  That I make notes about you all year long because I so thoroughly enjoy you every. single. day. of my life? ♥  That I count it a personal favor and blessing from the Lord to get to call you ours? ♥  Do you know what a delight you are?  ♥ 

I love you to pieces, little girl.   Happy Birthday!!
Love, Mommy