I pray over the appliances in our home these days because they are hobbling around and/or are in their senior years. Truth be told, they should have already expired by now, some of them. They have done their duties by us longer than we thought they would. They are as follows, all of them, and I do not exaggerate:
- Fridge - door doesn't shut without help and it certainly doesn't seal when it does. Ice maker is broken.
- Dishwasher - moldy in bottom, stinky when running, has some war wounds (melted plastic), and has already been repaired twice by Josh.
- Washing Machine - been with me since I graduated college. 14.5 years now!
- Dryer - same old age as the washer. Sounds really tired when I start it sometimes.
- Vacuum - special features we bought it for no longer function. I am not sure it's even sucking anymore. Which sucks. Ha!
- Dust Buster - gets weaker and weaker suction with every week, even though I clean it out regularly. Holds charge less and less time every month.
- Microwave - some straaaaaange rattling going on sometimes.
- Lawn mower - doesn't start half the time and is just old.
- MY CAR - don't even get me started on how many repairs we have done in the past couple months, also it's over 100,000 miles, different quirky electrical stuff doesn't work sometimes.
- HVAC - both units we had to replace when we moved in 7 years ago. So it annoys me not a little that already we are paying for repairs on them periodically. Most recently we were told some part that allows the heat to come on is gonna go out ... sooner or later ... who can know?
- Computer - our Dell has slowed with age and been less convenient to work with as we have moved into the iPhone world. It was running its fan alllllllll the time like the slightest function would consumes all its faculties. So slow. Also old. So we actually got the appliance replacement party started early and replaced this bad boy this month with a refurbished mini Mac. So far so good!
Don't even get me started about the leaky and wobbly toilet in our master bath or how we desperately need to recarpet the stairs and entire upstairs. I joke, but I'm not really joking, when I say I pray over these things like Jesus did when he multiplied the fish and the loaves. I pray for multiplication, too! I pray he will multiply the months and/or years on all these things... or we're going to be in a world of financial hurt all at the same time at some point next year ... which is only a month away. :S The garage door opener will probably go out tomorrow to punish me for my fretting and faithlessness. Hold me, Lord!