Nov. 1: For Josh's job. We are just plain spoiled-rotten to have him home so much, have him love his job, have enough income to afford my staying home with the kids. Thank you, Lord.
Nov. 2: For how naturally Noah has taken to reading. Thank you, Lord.
Nov. 3: For giving me a precious daughter when I thought I wanted another son. Thank you, Lord.
Nov. 4: For protection on the roads. Oh my word, thank you, Lord.
Nov. 5: Thank you, Lord, for the way things change!
Nov. 6: Thank you, Lord, for your Word! It truly is living and active and it is amazing to behold.
Nov. 7: Not gonna lie. I'm thankful for FB. :}
Nov. 8: Thank you, Lord, for all the rich experiences that make up this human life!
Nov. 9: Thank you, Lord, for your BEAUTIFUL creation. Every day I see something amazing and altogether creative on this earth that points to a brilliant and artistic maker.
Nov. 10: Thankful for quietness and down time.
Nov. 11: So, so, so thankful to be an American!
Nov. 12: Thank you, Lord, for our babies. We are having the time of our lives with them.
Nov. 13: Thankful to have landed in Gallatin, TN. Thankful to feel like we're putting down roots. I like the feeling of a place finally being home.
Nov. 14: Thankful for the contentment I feel being a stay-at-home mom. I didn't always feel so peaceful in this role. Thank you, Lord, for molding my heart.
Nov. 15: Thank you, Lord, for rainy days. Thank you for all our todays.
Nov. 16: So thankful for my precious Ambien on the nights when my precious melatonin doesn't do the job.
Nov. 17: Thank you, Lord, for my hubby who puts a capital H in Husband. - Handsome, helpful, hardworking, handy, here, and hands-on with his kids. Thank you, Lord!
Nov. 18: Thank you, Lord, for friends and community!
Nov. 19: Thankful for surprises.
Nov. 20: Thankful for special occasions like family visits and holidays.
Nov. 21: Thank you, Lord, for your words on the tongues of my children.
Nov. 22: Thankful to be home for the holiday and not traveling for hours and hours.
Nov. 23: Thankful for family who were willing to drive all those hours and hours to be in TN for the holiday.
Nov. 24: Thankful to be well stocked in the kitchen and to have dodged any last-minute mob scenes at the grocery store. Gobble, Gobble, Y'all!
Nov. 25: I'm thankful Noah's fever didn't start again until after Thanksgiving, I guess. : /
Nov. 26: Thankful for my boy's precious thick curls and my girl's bright blue eyes. Smitten.
Nov. 27: Thankful for recreational activities and the time to do them: knitting, blogging, movies, games, crafting, outings, shopping, napping, visiting with friends and family. It's been a GOOD holiday. :)
Nov. 28: Thankful that the red Icee Anna spilled came out of her precious fuzzy white sweater.
Nov. 29: Thank you, Lord, for my lovely lady friends from MOPS and Meetup. What a difference a social life can make for a stay-at-home mom!
Nov. 30: Still in our pj's, my snotty-nosed mini-me and I just finished making Cinnamon Pumpkin Muffins with Chocolate Chips on top. I'm thinking about my boy at drop-off this morning who asked if I remembered to write him a note in his lunch box so he wouldn't miss me so bad. {Sigh} Thank you, Lord, for this charmed little life that I lead. Thank you, thank you for these days.