Oct 31, 2017

Trick or Treatin' 2017

Lasa would not wear the Peppa Pig costume I got her THAT WAS PRECIOUS.  She's a fickle thing.  She liked it when we first got it. Not so much when it was time to wear it to PDO today.

So I improvised and came up with an equally precious costume idea - Doc McStuffins.  See here the Plan B preciousness!

My big kids set up a cauldron for the porch for while we would be out and about. 

Then Josh got home and we hit the road.  The air was perfectly cool but not coldcoldcold. Couldn't ask for better.

Lasa hung with it for an hour before Josh headed home with her.  I trekked another hour with my pretty witch and super cool Ninjago character. People liked Anna's mini hat and Noah's lego hands.

I soaked in the chill in the air and the gorgeous colors and the fun spirit of neighbors and visitors all out and about together.  I love the holidays!

Back at home, we got more foot traffic on our quiet cul-de-sac than we have ever had in our 9 years.  Anna was so excited to attend to the candy-giving-out part of the holiday.   She says she was less excited about trick-or-treating this year.  She says she feels like the older she gets the less important the holidays seem. Bless it!  But, fair enough.  Noah, ever light of heart, says he had fun as usual.  I love that boy.

After all the fuss, Lasa ate her allotted 3 pieces of candy,  Noah and Anna watched It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, we sorted out the peanut-risk candies, and I blogged the evening's goodness.   Happy Halloween!

Oct 28, 2017

Field Trips on Friday

I neglected to get a pic of the kids at Nashville Children's Theater yesterday when we took in a showing of Mr. Popper's Penguins.  We read that book a couple years ago, I wanna say, so it was fun to see the theatrical version of it with our homeschool field trip group.  Then, perfectly, we hit up another scheduled field trip while we were already in Nashville - we took in three different guided tours at the Tennessee State Museum.

The first was my favorite - Tennessee Long Hunters and the Frontier.  This goes PERFECTLY with topics we studied last year.

Second, we took in a Pioneer and Settlers chat that went perfectly with our studies from last year and this year. Love!

Finally, a tour discussing Apprenticeships and all that that entailed - especially this spot with the printing press that went splendidly with the American Revolution unit we are in right this very moment.

Afterward, we did a little self-guided tour via a scavenger hunt checklist the museum provides. I had low expectations that the kids would see it through, but it was really well done and they were impressed with what all else they saw from different time periods beyond our tours .... especially the real mummy encased in AC in all its grossness.  Perfect for Halloween.

Halloweenish Happenings

Josh got the kids two GIANT pumpkins for carving this year.

Anna's pumpkin.  That Josh did all the carving for, but I guess it still counts as hers since she picked the design?  ;)  She did at least help scrape out the insides.

Noah's pumpkin.  That Josh did alllll the work for as well, but Noah picked out the design.  

Speaking of pumpkins, here's our full collection for this year.  Anna's green one is my fave.

Harvest party day for the kids at co-op. Noah opted not to dress up.  Anna wore part of her costume - the cutie pie mini witch's hat.

Gorgeous fall bouquet I saw while out and about and just HAD to have ... in a pic at least.

Josh and the kids also created some festive yard art this year!  Never have I been so charmed by a graveyard. ;)

Letting Lasa have another run through the kiddie hay maze at Rainey's Pumpkin Patch.  We visited here once already but rain cut our visit short.  Redo!

This Halloween, we are doing but one Trick-or-Treating outing - Halloween night.  No Trunk-or-Treat or Hallween Block Party or Preschool activities on the Square like years' before.  No sir.  We are paring down on busyness for peace's sake and it feels wonderful.  See ya Tuesday only for Peppa, Witch, and Lego costumed fun!

Oct 22, 2017

Thursday Night Football

Noah's flag football team has been working hard to finally get a Win this season and they did so Thursday night at last!  It was a great game with a reallllly close finish, but the Saints held the other team off and were just so excited to take home a victory.  24-20. So glad for them!

Josh worked the scoreboard and clock, Lasa assisted with giggles and fingerpoints.

Noah's team was in white jerseys for the game Thursday. 

I think they are so adorable in the huddle.

That's Noah with the ball making a great run.  Go, #6!

I think what surprised their coaches about this win, was that they were coming off a solid two weeks without practices because of Fall Break.  The irony of their winning after that absence was pretty amusing.  They really did play better than we had seen before.  Maybe that break was just what they needed?  HA!

After their win, Josh took us to celebrate hard work paying off by grabbing fries and ice cream.  

Gulf Shores, Day 6

Oh, Day 6.  Our last day for vacay.  I determined NOT to steal from our last precious day by starting to pack or prep for tomorrow's drive until that night or even the next morning.  And I stuck to that!  Day 6 was our first entirely overcast day and was therefore not at all hot, but not too cool to play in the water either, which was still plenty warm. I was mesmerized by the brooding and super calm water.  This was as still as we ever saw it. I was drawn to that dark line where the sky meets the sea in the horizon too and kept sing Moana songs to it. Ha!

The beach was pretty empty today ... either because it was a Monday or because it was overcast.  But it made for a good low key last day for us.

Random scattered shells and shell fragments and yet ... so pretty all together where they washed up.

Eying the gray, blue, white, brown, and in-betweens.  So beautiful. 

Daily panoramic ... this time from the shore instead of the balcony.

Sandy baby scoping out my latest find. I have no idea what it is but I LOVE IT.

Josh out there.

The water was so calm, the waves were too weak to ride this day, but Josh was able to direct Noah to a few. 

We hit Bahama Bob's as we do every time we go to Gulf Shores.  We have precious video'd memories of Anna at 2 saying Shoo Fwy Shoo during meals on this porch.  She was disappointed there were not flies today to be able to reenact that moment.  We did have a new 2 year old with us though! ;)

The kiddos played at the beach and pool on their own again that day while Lasa napped.  Big kids rock!  The sun had somewhat peeked through the overcast sky by afternoon, so there were more people out and some decent enough warmth by then for them to romp in - like up to 75ish.  Glad for that.  Dinner was in the condo again - Spaghetti by the Sea! :)

And then it was time for beautiful sunset pics - as the sun set on our entire trip.  Cool air had quickly returned with the night and the sky put on a show for us.  Much appreciated. 

Me and Josh chillin' on the porch after the kids were in bed. 

Sunrise on Day 7 as we woke early, packed, and scooted out the door. So cool to see the moon up while the sun's light started to show. 

You were a wonderful place to land, SeaWind and Gulf Shores!  We must do this again soon.  Sooner than before!