May 31, 2012

So Long, Kindergarten!

And just like that - kindergarten is over. 

We've got the class fingerprint t-shirt and paper graduation cap to prove it.

Can't believe my baby - oh, my baby!! - is ready for an actual grade level now.  See you in the fall, First Grade!

Other parting gifts from kindergarten included a keepsake silhouette, 

certificate of completion, 

and a very fitting "Sweet Tart Award" for the kiddo with the sweetest disposition in the class. :)

You're so grown, Noah Brown!  
We are proud of what a good student and classmate you've been.

And Anna is proud to have her big brudder back for the summer.

Welcome, June and July!

May 30, 2012

Belated Birthday Letter

Oh my sweet 6-year-old Noah,

If there's one thing I hope you look back and take away from all my words about you at this age, and all your ages past, let it be that you take in how much I love, like, love, like, love, like you and that I never had such fun and joy in my life til you came along. I treasure your birthday in a special way and the only reason this letter is late is that I couldn't figure out how to cram in all my thoughts toward you. I adore you with all I have and I am so proud of you in all your ways! 

I am so proud of your heart for the Lord.  I am so proud of the wise choices you make and even the ones you don't make, but are trying to discipline yourself to make. I am so proud of how you stop yourself mid-speak/mid-action to verbalize the conviction you are feeling - to tell the truth, to be a peacemaker, to obey, to show restraint - and then how you follow through.  I was so, so proud at how clearly you communicated a few months back that you were ready to make a decision to receive God's gift of salvation.  I am so proud of your attention and understanding at such a tender, young age to spiritual matters and am alive to all the precious ways you are learning to flesh out your faith in God and his promises in Scripture.

I am so proud of how quickly you are memorizing scripture verses with the Seeds songs Daddy does with you every night.  I am so proud of how proud you are of your accomplishments with learning them.  Daddy remarks lately about how much you really respond to music and I just nod my head because I have been saying that for a couple years now.  I am proud of how naturally music speaks to you.

I am so proud of what a people person you are and how well you are received by others.  My friends adore you and you've not met a single peer that you can't get along with.  You always seem to be a welcome addition to any play date or game or gathering of your friends.

I am so proud of how you've kept up in school.  And when we decide to start homeschooling (something you look forward to actually), I will be so proud to share in your academic growth and exploration.  I will be so proud to share the teacher side of me with my own son.  Who could ask for a better student than a girl's favorite boy in the whole wide world?!

I am so proud of how entirely adorable you are.  You are still so small for your age.  You are 41 inches tall and weigh 42 pounds.  You are in size 4T/5T clothes and size 10 shoes.  You have socks that say 24-36 mos. on them that I recently threw away on principle alone, even though they still fit.  You are a whole head shorter that most of your classmates and you are the littlest thing in your class, but I care not. Your short stature only means you stay little and adorable that much longer.  You have such a beautiful face, an easy smile, gorgeous thick curly hair, and the sweetest of spirits to match.  You are so pleasing, inside and out!

I am so proud of the initiative you've begun to show in a number of new things.  You have asked us to stop reminding you of routine things in your day because you want to do them without being told.  And you sure enough DO remember and get them done!  Things like turn off your Wii when time is up, set out your books and prayer sticks to do at bedtime, brush your teeth, get dressed, water the plants, get the bath ready, help Anna with things, etc.

I am proud of what a good little gamer you are becoming.  I like how quickly you pick up computer-type things and how hard you work to complete levels and earn rewards in them.  It amuses me how your body and face squirm and contort when you are playing.  You love your Star Wars games and Mario Kart and lately you can't get enough of basketball on Wii Sports Resort.

I am so proud of how strong you are learning to be.  You've gotten noticeably faster in your running since t-ball started; you've even won some sprint races.  You hit the ball so hard when Daddy pitches.  You steal my heart when your lips goes stiff and quivery in an effort to keep the tears at bay.  You impressed me with how you finally decided to be brave about putting your face in the water.  You sing scripture to yourself to be brave when you've woken up from a nightmare. Also, you are becoming quite a competitor.  You are alive to anything where score can be kept.

I am so proud to be your mom every morning at school drop off when you climb out of the car and stop to  meet my eyes on the sidewalk, grin, and wave so eagerly - often more than once.  I realize those days of open affection from you are probably numbered, so I am so proud to have them as long as I can.


You did, however, recently ask me to stop calling you Baby.  It's been a hard habit to break, but I especially try to curb it when we are in public.  I've taken to calling you Son a lot more lately, in response.

Bits and pieces of you at 6:

You wait on the tree swing every afternoon, watching down the street for Daddy to get home. You two are so very close.

You love your dog so much it hurts almost. He is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning or get home at any time of the day.  He puts such a smile on your face no matter what mood you are in!

You always warn me when I need to fast forward in your movies to skip over the bad words (stupid/shut up).

You don't like to play at play areas that are super crowded or have wild, noisy children there.  You get that from me.  I don't enjoy chaos either.

You are almost, almost, almost nighttime potty trained.  We thought you were there this month, but it was not so ... but surely this summer will get you there!  You just recently started using a nighttime alarm to wake you up if you start to wet.  You are, as you have always been, SUCH a hard sleeper.

You are all about Lego Ninjago! Although you recently discovered a rival, Beyblades.





tickles. :} 

Your teacher said you are too timid at times during group instruction.  I see that in you, too.  But I think it's mostly because you so want to get it right and please everyone. 

You haven't lost a tooth yet.  Daddy guesses you won't for another year, but it's on your radar for sure because so many of your friends have lost some of theirs.

You do not like loud sounds so you end up plugging your ears a lot - at fountains, airplanes, cheering crowds, mowers, fireworks, emergency vehicles, etc.

You are so good at making sound effects when you play independently - sounds for flying, falling, exploding, crashing, shooting, etc.

You have this entirely precious way of moving your hands when you are trying to explain something lengthy or confusing to me.  I so wish I knew how to describe it.  I don't.  There aren't words to describe the motion well or to tell how earnest and serious your face is while you communicate that way, but it is burned in my brain as the cutest thing you ever do and Daddy completely agrees with me.

Your favorite way to make Anna cry is to act as if you are racing in whatever you two are doing; she invariably screams and cries out, "It's not a race!  It's not a race, No-wah!"  Then I get on to to her for not controlling herself and I get on to you for being a trouble-maker instead of a peace-maker. 

You are the best little guy to cook for - always so thankful for your dinner and often paying me compliments on the smell while I cook and telling me how good it is going to be.

You are, and always have been, such a good eater!

You like your baths HOT, HOT, HOT - just like your daddy.

In a social setting, you are more of a follower.

You don't ever tell me a thing about your day at school.  Even when I ask for specifics, you struggle to come up with an answer.  All boy.

You must play so hard at recess, because you literally wear the playground home, you are so dirty most days!

You are still severely allergic to peanuts.  We worried you had a milk allergy again, but that was not the case. You do, however, need lactose-free milk now.

You still hold your pencil so, so wrong and I fear it's too late for any correction to stick.

You are right-handed, but you throw a frisbee with your left hand.

You LOVE to laugh and you do it often. You recently discovered America's Funniest Home Videos and you thought it was the funniest thing you have ever seen!  Watching how hard you laughed, in turn, was the funniest thing I have ever seen. :)  You kept pointing at the screen and rolling backwards while you cackled.  It was hysterical!

You are so good with babies!  Probably because you are so gentle.

You bedtime routine goes like this every night:  I do yours and Anna's bath, but I only have to wash your hair. You do most of your own bathing. You dress yourself and do your lotion. You take your allergy medicine. Daddy does an involved hour almost of books, songs, scripture, letter practice, and praying with you both.  He loves that precious time with y'all each night and wishes he could make it longer. Daddy spends extra time with you after putting Anna down. You sleep with no pillow still, opting to use Calvin as your pillow.  You also still sleep with your bunny who is so, so, so old and worn now.  You fall asleep so quickly and you fall asleep hard.  It is a trial to wake you up in the night if we ever have to. 

Precious things you've said:
  • Mispronunciations:  Most l, th, and r sounds still, Tenchapur (temperature), Orwee (early), Carrot Ride (Carriage Ride), Ormament (ornament), Tooshie Row (tootsie roll) , wete (delete), sgebby (spaghetti), emmyems (m&ms), gummote (remote),  What how? (how), Ha-way-you-ya (hallelujah), Rich crackers (Ritz crackers)
  • When Anna wore a fuzzy hood, you said, "Hey mommy, guess what Anna wooks wike?  A snowy Han Solo!"
  • When it was raining one day after school, you worried about the birds eating worms that were flooded/stranded in the street and you exclaimed, "I gotta hurry and get my rest so I can save the worms!"
  • When I put whipped cream all over your shortcake, you said, "Dat wooks wike God."  When I asked why, you said it was all white like a cloud.  Because God is like a cloud.  (Duh, Mom.)
  • You will hint when you want something instead of just asking outright.  For example, "Some juice sure would be good right now."  Or you'll whisper something to yourself, but loudly enough for me to hear, "I can't ask for a treat because it's almost dinner, but I'm so hungry!"
  • When I was opening a gift from Memaw, you asked, "Can I help you open it? Because I love you."
  • After picking a scab on your face in bed one night, you got up alarmed, telling Daddy that your skin was falling apart.
  • You've seen Daddy throw so many of Chewie's dead moles and birds over the fence that you asked, "Mommy, when Chewie dies are we going to throw HIM over the fence?"  I assured you we would not. I said we could take him to the vet or bury him in the yard.  You decided you would like to bury him very, very close to the house. Then you wanted to know if the worms would get to him. Oy. 
You are such a bright spot in our family and I praise the Lord for the day you were born!  I cannot imagine our life without you.  
You are such a good boy, such a blessing.  I wish I could go back and relive our last 6 years with you.  As you graduate kindergarten tomorrow, I'll try not to get weepy.  But I just can't believe your littlest days are so far behind us now. And while I can't wait to see what kind of man you  are growing to become, I totally can wait.  I don't want to hurry up time at all.  Stay my sweet boy as long as you can, Noah Brown.  You make me and your daddy so impossibly proud.  Happy, happy birthday to you ... again! 

All my love to you,

May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

This holiday weekend was busy with fun memories!   I took ice cream cone cupcakes to school for Noah's class' May birthday celebration on Friday.  The kids, of course, licked off all the icing and threw the rest away.  :}

Then, on the spur of the moment, we invited a handful of good friends over to play in the water with us after school.  It was a wonderful afternoon and made the heat much more bearable. :)  Noah and Renzo thoroughly enjoyed the boy vs. girl water gun fights. 

 Saturday, Noah scored three runs at his t-ball game and even fielded a ball and then tagged the runner out!  He gets stronger and more with it with every week!  Josh, Anna, and I melted in the 100 degree heat until they finally won the game.  So far his team is undefeated. :)  He is so proud of each win.

Sunday Josh taught in our small group at church and then we jetted down to Huntsville to see my sister and her family while they were at my parents.  We'd no sooner pulled in the driveway down there than the kids were stripping down to swimsuits to join Brooklyn and Natalie in the pool.  

And to my amazement, Noah (who is very skittish about putting his face in the water) was swimming under the water under Brooklyn's tutelage and eager example!  He was so emboldened by her company and his successful face dunks.  He and Brooklyn played for hours in the pool both days we were there.  Many stunts ensued.

Then we broke out the season's first juicy watermelon.


 "Yum!" did not do it justice on this hot, hot Memorial Day. 


We're so worn out from this weekend, that I do believe I am going to let Noah play hooky from school tomorrow.  And then he's only got 1 1/2 days left before summer officially begins!


May 26, 2012

A Mother's Prayer

For the life of me, I cannot remember where I heard this song recently. But goodness gracious, I'm so glad I did.  This Rachel chick is lucky I'm not in the mood to sue, because I do believe she stole the words right out of my heart.

Noah and Anna, my sweet precious babies, this song is for you...

 A Mother’s Prayer (HANNAH'S SONG) by Rachel Aldous

My sweet baby on loan from above.
No better treasure could I more love.
I stand here beside your bed as I pray
I lay my hand on your head and I say:

May you grow up to serve Him all of your days.
May He lead you and guide you in all of your ways.
May His hand bless your future with friendships that last.
May you cherish your youth and not grow up too fast.

I stare in wonder at your tiny frame.
Just to think that God knows you by name.
He knows every hair on your beautiful head.
He knows your thoughts before they are said.

May you grow up to serve Him all of your days
May He lead you and guide you in all of your ways.
May His Hand bless your future with friendships that last.
May you cherish your youth and not grow up too fast.

May God grant you peace in the midst of a storm.
May God give you strength even when you’re forlorn.
May you answer the door when Jesus comes knocking.
May wisdom guide when your mouth is talking.
May discretion protect you and keep you pure.
May you never stumble or fall for a lure.
May your heart remain humble to the very end.
May uprightness and truth be what you defend.
May the world not ensnare or change who you are.
May the light that's within you shine like the stars.
May angels surround you body, spirit, mind.
May favor and peace be yours to find.
May rejection and pain never reach you.
May your spirit grow bold for what you’re called to.

May you grow up to serve Him all of your days
May He lead you and guide you in all of your ways
May His Hand bless your future with friendships that last.
May you cherish your youth and not grow up too fast.

As you rest in God’s care I will rest, too.
Knowing that Jesus is watching over you.

May 25, 2012

In Which I Make Cupcakes

At Noah's school, they celebrate the month's birthdays on the last Friday of the month.  Since my Noah is one of those lucky May kiddos, I volunteered to supply the cupcakes.  This doesn't mean I was excited or confident about making them, but make them I did.  I even used an idea I saw on Pinterest - baking them in ice cream cones.  And they turned out ... pretty ok! 

I think Noah's proud of me, at least. :)  These bad boys will be scarfed down by hungry kiddos in T-5 hours and counting. Happy Birthday (month) to Noah!

May 22, 2012

2012's First Fruit

We've been diligently tending our precious tomato plants for about a month and they have grown taller than we are.  And at last this week, the little green tomatoes started turning red.  Noah eats them as soon as he gets them off the branches, but this one I was able to snap a shot of before he devoured it.  :) 

 Looking forward to another summer of tomatoes and cucumbers with my boy!

May 21, 2012

Word Junkie Strikes Again

It's been awhile since I shared my latest collection of good words; that's probably because I have not read as many books this year as I normally do.  Still, I've happened upon a few notables (faves in bold) ...


Quotes from 7

Just finished a great book called 7 by Jen Hatmaker.  It reads like a blog of her days fasting from seven different indulgences that we all know so well.  I have a number of takeaways from the book ... including the following quotes I marked along the way: 
The careful study of the Word has a goal, which is not the careful study of the Word.

A fast is not necessarily something we offer God, but it assists us in offering ourselves.  As Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ said, 'It is exchanging the needs of the physical body for those of the spirit.'"

This is all meaningless; substitute happiness.

Discipleship is a journey and each stage is a precursor to the following one.  ... There is no wasted scene, no futile season.

In order for Jesus' kingdom to come, my kingdom will have to go.

There is something so nourishing about sharing your living space with people where they see your junk mail pile and pee wee football schedule on the fridge and pile of shoes by the front door.  Opening your home says, "You are welcome into my real life." This square footage is where we laugh and hold family meetings and make homemade corn dogs and work through meltdowns.  Here is the railing our kids pulled out of the wall.  This is the toilet paper we prefer.  These are the pictures we frame, the books we're reading, the projects we're undertaking - the raw material of our family.  It's unsanitized and truthful.  We invite you into this intimate place, saturated with our family character.

My mission is concentrated; this matters, this doesn't, this counts, this doesn't.  It's actually not that complicated.  The Bible is true; no matter how contrary to reality it appears.  I've discovered you can press extremely hard on the Word, and it will hold.

May 20, 2012

Feeling Pumped!

This weekend was packed with stuff and it got an early start.  Thursday night my parents came to town.  Right away Friday morning, Josh and I headed to the Home Education Expo that was going on in Nashville.  We spent two days there and we are PUMPED about what all we learned and feel a little more prepared to do.

Noah and Anna are PUMPED about the time they spent with their Mimmie and Papa picking strawberries, playing at the fountains, eating out at their fave spots, playing t-ball, building Legos, watching movies, and all the one-on-one attention they got while Josh and I were gone.

We are also PUMPED after a wonderful cookout we held at home last night with about 30 people from our (not-so) small group at church. :)  Ours is a newly formed Sunday school class focusing on parenting as we work through the chronological Bible and it has just been such an encouragement on so many levels since it started.  Was such a great time with good friends and all their kiddos last night!

We had all of today to relax at home after the busyness of company, expo, cookout, and church.  And that down time at home napping, straightening, playing in the backyard, etc. is always something that PUMPS us Browns up for another week.

Knowing that there are only 8 days left til summer gets Noah and me PUMPED.

Looking forward to a little more family time with my sister and her family along with my parents over Memorial Day weekend is also something that gets us PUMPED.

We are ready to wrap May up and get down to the goodness of June and July!

May 16, 2012

Q and U say "I do"

Today Noah's class held an all out wedding ceremony for the letters Q and U.  It came complete with a minister and everything!  Every kiddo had a role and there was a reception with cake, punch, and mints afterwards. Too cute from start to finish! 

Noah did a stellar job in his role of groomsman, even though he did grimace a little.

And he didn't mind a bit when he couldn't have any cake after we realized they didn't know what ingredients had been used.  :S   Thank goodness for that Moon Pie stash I left with his teacher for just such an occasion.

Only two more weeks left of kindergarten... 

Anna's (Almost) Recital

A little girl in leotards

and posing/falling, does not a recital make.

But that is what we supposedly attended last night

for Anna's Jump, Jazz, and Roll class.  

She mostly (but really ENTIRELY) just spaced out and stood on the end and/or fiddled with her props.

But judging by the happy hugs after the so-called performance

she believes she was dancing with the stars.  I don't know.  It's a good thing she's cute.

May 13, 2012

Happy Muvver's Day

Yes, yes.  It's Mother's Day and we did all the usual Mother's Day things.  It was a nice and rainy and calm and family sort of day so it suited me just fine.  Josh and the kids got me some charms for my watch and made  cookies and some precious cards and even submitted a survey of kiddo answers about me that made me grin.  I am so blessed in this home and family.  Thank you, Lord.

Today's Mother's Day held another blessing for me, too.  Tania texted to wish me a Happy Mother's Day (a gesture I don't take lightly) and by the end of the night we had spent some time talking on the phone about a number of things.  Y'all know I have such a phone phobia, but sometimes a girl just has to grow up.  And when Tania asked me to call, I couldn't wimp out.  And I'm so glad we talked.  There are still so many things to say and share, but we sure touched on a number of things and it felt like such a relief to me and hopefully to her, too.  It was also pretty big first; we've never really talked as openly or a long as we did last night.

Navigating our open adoption relationship is really new every year.  I remarked to her how I have to keep reminding myself what a different person she is from when Noah was first born.  She was a young girl in her teens then and now she is a young woman in her twenties.  I told her I view her as a friend (though extended family might be a better word it) and reminded her of her welcome in Noah's life.  And I hope ours is a friendship that becomes more natural as the years go by - as natural as can be.  We certainly have an incredible tie to bind us, don't we?  I am so thankful that she loves Noah like she does, even though it hurts to miss him like she does. And I am so thankful that she feels comfortable enough to be open about that and to still reach out to our precious boy.  She asked to start following the blog, too, so I hope that is something that brings her smiles on a regular basis. It was also so good to talk with her tonight because I got a better understanding of ways I can pray for her - for healing, for comfort/reassurance, and for peace.  Begging the Lord for sweet mercies and blessings in her life.

Before Noah went to bed, I was able to pass along some words from Tania for him and his response was for me to tell her "Happy Muvver's Day."  She said that made her day ... which in turn made my day. 

So yes, it was a truly special and Happy Muvver's Day all around!

May 12, 2012

Field Day Fun

Bright and early yesterday morning we headed over to Noah's school to cheer him on for Field Day.

How adorable are packs of little boys?  Very!

Noah had some serious ways for gearing up his race.

He got second ... which is not bad for the littlest kid in the class!

He totally rocked the beanbag relay.  :}

Leaping lizards, that boy can play some leapfrog!

This was my favorite pic.  He totally slowed down his entire team he hopped so short and slow and even fell out of his bag entirely.  But, man alive, he was cute enough to eat!

We weren't still around for the tug-of-war event later in the day, but I was glad to snag a picture from another parent of my boy working hard.  So glad he gets to make a few of these memories ... we'll miss this stuff once we start homeschooling, I think.

May 11, 2012

Unloading Miscellany

  • Noah had Field Day today.  Josh took half a day off to come see him compete. It was too cute to watch him with his classmates and to watch him in action.  It was interesting, too, to think about how long ago our last field days were back at Jackson when I was teaching.  Wow.
  • My heart is hurting for a friend who lost her mom last night. And my heart is frustrated for another friend whose baby girl is back in the hospital again. 
  • I think Noah's t-ball game might get rained out tomorrow ... AGAIN. 
  • The kids are watching Mulan on air mattresses in the living room where they are "camping out" with Josh tonight.  Josh made smores and popcorn and Little Miss Sassy scolded him for picking foods that were too sugary or too hard to eat.
  • I am BEAT!  So tired.  And part of the blame goes to Anna who never stops talking.  Never.
  • I started Anna's blanket this week.  It will take me forever to knit.  Like, til Christmas probably, if not longer.  
  • I learned a new stitch for her blanket, by the way.  Purl ... and I really like it!
  • Ironically, my Anna has a new blanket love this week after my friend Cindy gave her one she made that didn't work out for its intended purpose.  It is gorgeous and so soft and Anna, like I said, is in love with it.  "Blankie" is wrapped around her now in fact.
  • I bought some of my first pieces of home school curriculum to play with with Anna next year. 
  • I am reading a great book, 7 by Jen Hatmaker.
  • We finally booked a hotel for our trip to Asheville next month.  I also booked a photographer for my in-laws who are coming up to keep Noah and Anna while we are gone and are bringing the rest of their grand kids with them.  Can't wait to see those pics.  That will be a really special shoot!
  • I think Noah's best bud at school got suspended.  Memo to me ... get a little more proactive about his friend choices before next year starts.  
  • I am swimming is contentment lately.  I love, love, love my babies and I love, love, love being home for them.
  • But still, like I said, I am BEAT!
  • My house is a mess.  I have got a lot of cleaning to do before my parents come next weekend.  Just thinking about it wears me out.
  • I am excited at the thought of having a whole two months with my Noah this summer.  
  • I just like my whole in-law family so much.  Been struggling lately with how I don't feel that way about my own parents.  
  • I just love this town we live in and all the good people we have in our lives.  And I can't believe we've been here almost 4 years now!  
  • We are about to (possibly) refinance our mortgage for a third time!  Not complaining, just laughing.
  • Oh my stars, Lord.  Thank you for Josh's job.  We are so humbled by how good it is to us.  
  • And while I'm dishing out the "I loves,"  I am so in love with my laminator. :}
  • Did I ever mention that both Noah and Anna have kissed the night-time pull-ups goodbye over the past few months.  They have!  There's a couple New Year's Resolutions checked off the list. 
  • I feel so guilty for not having done Noah's birthday letter yet.  I'm going to try let myself off the hook and give myself to the end of the month to get it done. 
  • This summer Noah is taking two different swim lessons.  That boy will learn to swim at last ... or die trying!  We're gonna have Anna give it a go, too. 
  • I do believe Noah is allergic to milk again.  We'll find out for sure this coming week.

May 8, 2012

Wet Weekend

Our weekend was wet in two different ways.

Saturday, Noah's t-ball pictures and game were rained out, so we booked it to the bowling alley instead for a little post-birthday first for Noah (Anna, too, for that matter).  Some shots of the silliness and success that ensued ...

The more the merrier, so we let Noah invite his buddy Renzo to come along.

Noah actually ended up winning both games. :)  Very fitting for the birthday boy.

Again with the plugging of the ears.  What is with this kid?

Another way our weekend was wet was with the sprinkler Saturday afternoon.  

And on Sunday, the kids broke in their new pool.  We got it just in time for some 90+ degree weather. 

They had fun sporting their new goggles, too.  Too bad they ended up being a piece of crap. :S

I just signed these two hooligans up for private swim lessons so we can go swimming in more than our little blue tub here.  Regardless, it's gonna be a fun summer!  Love the ages of my babies in this season.