Feb 28, 2010


Anna has Daddy on the brain just about all the time lately. And I think the image of her lower jaw jutting forward (her four bottom teeth so visible) as she says the final syllable of his name will forever stay with me from these days.

Some sound bytes just from today, but really, from every day:

Me: Anna, are you hungry?
Anna: Daddy.

Me: Should we change your diaper?
Anna: Daddy.

Me: Good morning, baby love!
Anna: Daddy.

Me: I love you, Annabelle.
Anna: Daddy.

Anna, bawling because Daddy is leaving: Daddy, Daddy, Daddy...
Me: Daddy will be back soon. Want to play in Noah's room?
Anna: Daddy.

Me: Anna, are you ready for a nap?
Anna: Daddy.

And just to make a liar out of me right now, Anna is sitting and playing among her toys beside my chair chanting, "Mama, mama. Mama, mama."

Seriously, though, it's 80/20 Daddy to Mama on a regular basis. Not complainin', just sayin'.

Amens: 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Translations from The Message that I savored.

1 Thessalonians 5:4-8, emphasis mine
But friends, you're not in the dark, so how could you be taken off guard by any of this? You're sons of Light, daughters of Day. We live under wide open skies and know where we stand. So let's not sleepwalk through life like those others. Let's keep our eyes open and be smart. People sleep at night and get drunk at night. But not us! Since we're creatures of the Day, let's act like it. Walk out into the daylight sober, dressed up in faith, love, and the hope of salvation.

2 Thessalonians 1: 11
...pray that he'll fill your good ideas and acts of faith with his own energy so that it all amounts to something.

2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17, emphasis mine
May Jesus himself and God the Father, who reached out in love and surprised you with the gifts of unending help and confidence, put a fresh heart in you, invigorate your work, enliven your speech.

Feb 27, 2010

Amens: Colossians

Loving The Message's expression of these verses in particular.

Colossians 1:11,12 - We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul - not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us.

Colossians 2:28 - To be mature is to be basic.

Colossians 3:2 - Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ - that's where the action is. See things from his perspective.

Colossians 4:2 - Stay alert, with your eyes wide open in gratitude.

Amens: Philippians

More favorites from The Message.

Philippians 1:9 - Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush.

Philippians 2:12 - Be energetic in your life of salvation, reverent and sensitive before God. (in NKJV it's the "work out your salvation with fear and trembling" verse)

Amens: Ephesians

Amen to these translations from The Message.

Ephesians 1:4-6 - Long before he laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter in to the celebration of his lavish giving by the hand of his beloved Son.

Ephesians 1:7,8 - ...we're a free people...And not just barely free, either. Abundantly, free!

Ephesians 1:11, 12 - Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.

Noah and Anna, I pray this over you with all my heart. I beg the Lord from Ephesians 1:17-19 - ... to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him - endless energy, boundless strength!

Ephesians 5:4 - Thanksgiving is our dialect.

Amens: Galations

Reading a different translation of Scripture really causes me to see things new again which is why I am particularly enjoying reading through the Bible with The Message this year. The following verses in particular jumped out at me, challenged me anew, and left me thinking, praying, and responding "Amen!"

Galations 5:6 - For in Christ, neither our most conscientious religion nor disregard of religion amounts to anything. What matters is something far more interior: faith expressed in love.

Galations 5:16 - My counsel is this: Live freely, animated and motivated by God's Spirit.

Galations 5:23 (defining gentleness) - ... not needing to force our way in life...

Galations 5:25 - Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. (in the NKJV: If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.)

Feb 25, 2010

Who's the Clown?

I am attempting to usher in spring by sheer will power. I got Anna these sweetie pie sandals today to get the ball rolling.

I also got my hair cut and I didn't fret over it until Noah offered his brutally honest opinion when I picked him up from MDO. He said he didn't like my hair because it makes me "wook wike a cwown." I took his commentary in stride, reassuring him (and myself) that it will grow back.

When we got home and I was taking pictures of Anna's feet in her new sandals, Noah wanted to be included in the action. With a devilish grin on my face, I put the cutesy flowery sandals on his feet, too, and snapped away.

Who's the clown now, big boy?

Feb 24, 2010


Going Snow Crazy

You know you have seen enough snow for the season when your three-year-old complains "I need snow go away!"

And I have to second that sentiment. I have never ached for spring so badly before.

For Lack of a Better Post

Other jobs I would enjoy (besides teaching): Pharmacist, Realtor, Interior Decorator, Movie Critic, Copyeditor, Publisher, Consignment Shop Owner, Children's Book Writer

Stuff I have snatched from Anna's mouth so far: Legos, dead bugs, thumb tack!!!, crayons, play dough

Stuff Anna stuffs in her shirt: Nemo figurines, socks, toy Mommy and Daddy set, gears

Products I dig lately: Sandwich Thins (whole wheat, please), No More Tangles spray (for Anna's cursed spot of frizzy hair in the back), box fan (for soundproofing Anna's room) , Shout stain removing spray (never fails to take care of business), Pottery Barn Anywhere Chairs, Petco/Petsmart (it's like a free zoo...kinda), Melissa and Doug toys, Chocolate Cheerios

Feb 21, 2010

Duck, Duck, Goose

The last chunk of snowman finally melted in our front yard yesterday as the weather got good and sunny and in the 50's. Today, the 60's even. Knowing that freezing temps will still make another appearance or two before Spring comes, we bolted outside for fresh air and a break from the cabin fever we have suffered from for weeks on end lately. We played bubbles and bikes and then rode slides and swings at several different parks. The highlights of the weekend, however, were Mimmie and Papa's visit on Friday (which included some rounds of Duck, Duck, Goose) ...

and going to a duck pond on Saturday (the real deal when it comes to Duck, Duck, Goose) ...

I've never seen a box of Toasted Oats disappear so fast! We had quite a time.

Feb 17, 2010

What Anna's Been Up To

16 months has turned out to be my favorite month with Anna so far. She sheds a little more baby every day and takes on a little more of her own personality and expression in its place. One of the biggest changes over the last month has been her speaking more and more. What follows are some words Anna manages to say lately...

Shoes: zhoos
Juice: joo
Baby: bey bee
More: moe
Fish: thsh
Pillow: pow wow wow wow
Daddy: dah DEE (by far her most favorite word)
Mommy: mama
Noah: wo-wo
Nemo: mo-mo
Dumbo: bubbo
Milk: mil
Cheese: jee
Ball: baw
Uh-Oh: UH-oh
Done: duh
Drink: jih jih
Down: dow
Wow: wow
Whoa: whoa
Piggie: poe
Moo: bbbbbbb
Book: buh
Roar: rawr (in a raspy whisper)
Dude (compliments of Noah): doo

These days she likes to lay on her belly on the floor when she plays. I taught her to say "ahhhhh" after a nice big gulp of milk and it makes me grin every time. Makes her grin, too, for that matter. She's gotten real particular about a number of things - setting her cup in its holder on her tray, moving food into groups when she eats, having her pant legs and sleeves pulled down as far as they should go, washing off marker stains on her skin, picking up things that fall or get dropped, putting things where they go, picking up trash, making sure her musical seahorse is turned on as soon as she hits the crib, and making sure she gets lotion if anyone else does (same goes for Chapstick and sanitizer and if she's lucky, a little of mommy's blush). She is always excited about putting on socks, shoes, hats, coats, purses, and other dress up gear. She has started painting with her saliva which is really gross to watch, but still adorable. She is suddenly aware of all the pictures around the house and likes to point at them and call everyone by their name. She rarely ever cries now but she tries to make you think she will. She will whimper and moan to elicit your sympathy or your surrender to her whims. And though I am not proud of this, she has discovered how funny it is when she toots and burps, so now she cracks up about it all on her own. Such a lady. Best of all, she has really emerged as a pretty obedient little thing when corrected or given a direction. Use a firm tone and she is real sensitive about it and melts into the floor - which is kind of nice given what a strong will I worried she was going to have. She plays really really well by herself when Noah is not around. Her hair is just getting into that really awkward messy stage where you just have to let it grow until it makes better sense. I try to put bows in it to counteract the mess, but she just pulls them out and puts them back in my hands. Her favorite toys lately are books, her Little People doll house, musical instruments, her doll stroller, crayons, stacking toys, and her bowls and spoons. Pretty soon I am going to sign her up for her own class at My Gym. I just know she'd love it. For now, she seems content to wait in the sitting area with me while Noah does his class. She has her MDO teacher's heart and she walks right in to her arms when we drop her off on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She doesn't even look back at us to say Bye. She has begun to watch a little TV and to actually sit still long enough to let you finish reading her a book sometimes. She just cut her 8th tooth. And now she gives kisses with her little lips pursed shut instead of wide open. Somehow they are still just as wet though. She's always game for a good round of Ring Around the Rosie, Duck Duck Goose, Hide and Seek, and a parade with Daddy and Noah. Now that she is so capable and mobile, we are really looking forward to this spring and summer when she can head outdoors with Daddy and Noah. Last year she watched longingly (often fitfully) from the window or the porch. This year, it's game on! Looking forward to the rest of this year's development with our little lady ...

Feb 14, 2010

Feb 11, 2010

Work to Do

Me: Noah, I need you to pick up your toys so I can vacuum.
Noah: I no do dat wight now. I hab work to do.
Me: You have work to do!?
Noah: Yeah, wike Daddy.
Me: And what sort of work would that be?
Noah: I do Misser Pao (read: Potato) Head.

Methinks: Ah, yes. Pressing work indeed.

Feb 10, 2010

In Other Words - Duh, Mom!

Me: Noah, why is there toilet paper all over the bathroom floor?
Noah: Cuz I do dat.

Feb 9, 2010

Bad Hair Day

As I hunched over Noah's lap to clip his toenails, he pitched me a compliment. Rather, he pitched my new don't-tell-me-it's-snowing-again! hairdo a compliment. Today it's thrown up in a knotted type bun on top of my head.

Noah: I wike you hair, Mommy. It nice.
Me: You do? That's sweet - Thank you!
Noah: Yeah! Wook wike Mickey Mouse ears!

Feb 8, 2010

Noah, Noah, Noah

Anna was sucking on her toes today when I compared her to a monkey. Noah started making the appropriate monkey sounds to match. This got him thinking about other animal sounds.
Noah: What sound gwayya (gorilla) make?
Me, stumped: Good question, Noah. I don't know. R-O-A-R-R-R!!?
Noah, cocks his head: No, mommy. That wion (lion)! [of] Course.

On our way into Target today, Noah was not real keen on sitting in the buggy portion of the cart so he asked me if he could walk. I offered him a promotion instead.
Noah: I not wide in buggy. I walk. Ok?
Me: Ok. And maybe you could help me push the buggy.
Noah, big gasp: That gwate idea, Mommy! I stwong boy!

I overhead Noah giggling off and on during his quiet time. After he came downstairs, I asked him what was so funny.
Noah, slow mischievous grin crossing his face: I burp.
Methinks: Perfect.

After dinner, I grabbed Noah and planted a big fat kiss on his cheek as I set him down from the kitchen table.
Me: I love you, Noah Brown.
Noah, trotting off: I wuv you, too, Mommy dude.

Feeling Artsy

Feb 6, 2010

Recipe: Chicken Pot Pie

I made this recipe tonight and it really hit the spot. It's freezing outside and this warmed us all up quick, not to mention that it made the house smell duhlicious! It's not too unlike the Chicken Pie recipe I listed before, except this one includes veggies and does not need pie crusts. So that saves me an extra item on my shopping list. I've made this one before, but we gobbled it so fast tonight that I couldn't help but share it. We just love it.

Chicken Pot Pie
(compliments of Heather)

2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cooked and cubed
2 cans Veg-All mixed vegetables, drained
3 stalks of celery, cut up into tiny pieces - I skipped this :0
1 can cream of mushroom or 1 1/2 cans cream of chicken
(I used the cream of chicken, as Heather recommends)
1 cup of chicken broth

Mix all ingredients and put in buttered 9 X 13 pan.

1 cup milk, 1 cup self-rising flour, 1 stick melted margarine

Mix topping and pour over chicken mixture.
Bake at 400 for 20 minutes. Reduce to 350 for 30 minutes.

Hot, hearty, and healthy! And like I said before - DUH-LISH!

Feb 4, 2010

Browns on Parade

It's moments like these that I love that man more and more than I ever knew I would. I owe how much I love being a mommy to the fact that he is such a fantastic daddy.

It's moments like these that I melt over that boy and that girl. He is the angel that awoke the mommy heart in me. She is the doll that paints it pink.

What a gift it is to be a part of the Browns on Parade.

Thoughts from my Thursday

We talk about death a lot lately. It's starting to unnerve me actually. The reason it's on the brain in our house is because we recently switched life-insurance companies. The new policies start tomorrow and we cancelled the old ones today to avoid paying the premium for this month. So technically we are not covered today. So if Josh dies today, Anna, Noah, and I are really up a creek. On another death note, Josh has started drafting a to-do list for me to rely on should he ever up and die on me. He says item number one is this: Bury Me. That man is leaving no stone unturned. :)

Anna will push a cup around in her stroller. And the cup has toy money it in. Just now she loaded her stroller with two toy phones.

Speaking of Anna, I looked at little girl Spring clothes and I just about cried at how cute it all is. I remember posting about sweetie pie clothes around this time last year. I CANNOT wait to put little skirts and dresses on Anna this year now that she is walking. And on that note, I CANNOT believe what a sap I have turned in to over little girl's clothes.

I don't much care for olives. In fact, I have never eaten them. But I will eat me some Olive Garden now. Mmm, mmm. Josh and I went there for an early Valentines lunch today. Duh-lish!

Oh. My. Gosh!! They are calling for more snow within the week. Groan, moan, and whine.

We had our last visit with our case worker and it went quickly and smoothly. Now we just wait on word that we are officially approved.

Noah has switched to quiet time instead of nap time every day. I CANNOT believe he is old enough for not napping. Wow.

We made Valentines today for Noah's and Anna's parties next week, and they are too sweet and so cute. And so simple. Just card stock, stamps, and a heart or two.

Feb 3, 2010

WPTM #20: Taking Part

What Parenting Teaches Me #20: Taking Part

Anna likes to help me unload the dishwasher and clothes dryer lately. Turns out, though, that it actually creates more work for me to accommodate her helping. I have to slide out socks, towels, underwear so she can reach them to put them in the basket before and after I fold different things. And I have to keep maintaining her efforts while I finish up the task at hand before everything wrinkles. If it's the dishes, I have to quickly put up what is sharp or breakable before she notices what I am doing so that I don't have to keep after her to not touch. And then I have to slow down and let her give me one thing at a time until the whole thing is empty. To be honest - she kind of gets in the way except for the fact that I love her to pieces. So I take on the extra work of letting her help because she enjoys being a part of what I am doing - she is blessed by taking part.

And I compare this to what our participation is in the Lord's work. He's gonna get done what he intends to get done with or without our help. And the times we don't step up and take part in what he is doing around us it is really us who are missing out on a blessing.

Feb 2, 2010

Noah Says

* Three days ago Noah got up from watching home videos on the computer and starting jumping around in pain. He kept crying out, "My sock hurting me! My sock hurting me!" Your sock? What?! Then we figured it out. His foot had fallen asleep and he had that prickly feeling you get when the blood starts flowing again. Too funny.

* We were headed out to Sam's today. Noah wanted to know if we would see Sam there. Try explaining that one to a three year old - why we won't see Sam at Sam's. Good grief.

* Apparently, Josh or myself let the word "butt" slip recently one way or the other, because it is all Noah can think about and therefore repeat. So taboo, you know. And of course, we have been talking to him about how that's not a nice word to say. But again, while streaking across him room after his bath tonight, he let yet another "butt" fly from his sweet little lips. I don't even remember what he said exactly, but I couldn't let it go.

Me: Noah, don't say that word. It's not nice. Say bootie or hiney instead.

Noah: Ok. I not say dat word. I not say butt. When I get older I say e-thing (read - anything). I say "butt" when I get older. Ok?

Me, taken aback: Um. Ok?

(I know, bad when-you-get-older advice, but I just could not process what he said fast enough. I did not expect him to say that. If I could go back an hour I would tell him that it still won't be nice to say when he gets older. But then - how to explain that he heard me or daddy say it to begin with. Ugh.)