Jul 29, 2009

WPTM #13: Good Things

What Parenting Teaches Me #13: Good Things

I have a very tolerable affliction. I am afflicted with the desire to do and give my children so many good things. I always look for and forward to it. And it quite honestly bums me out when Noah misbehaves or disobeys and I have to take away or withhold good things from him. Kinda feels like the good times stand still while he and I endure his discipline and/or punishment. But endure it we must, because that, too, is for his good. Then he gets to "twy again" and the good times just keep on rolling.

The parallel here is of course the Lord toward his children. He wants good things for us, provides good things for us, loves to give good things to us. He, too, would rather we did not choose sin and the ensuing separation and discipline that often follows. But as a loving and faithful father, he awaits our return to him in repentance and right thinking. And once that happens, well, as I said before, the good times can keep on rolling.

All the good things we know, the loving discipline we know, the fresh starts we know...we owe them all to the goodness of God. How fortunate for us that our God is a God of love. How fortunate for us that our Creator is so good.


Unknown said...

Amen, Sista!

Emily said...

oooOOoooo...good parallel!