Jul 13, 2009

One More String Cut

One by one we keep cutting those apron strings, don't we Noah? If it's not drinking from a cup without a sippy, or moving on from diapers, then it's you flying solo at the doctor's office. Today you had a dentist appointment and this time you went back ALL BY YOURSELF.

I have to admit, it felt very unnatural for me to not be there by your side. I sure missed getting to watch your reactions, follow your eyes darting around to watch for what comes next, observing how the dentist talked and smiled at you. But I did get to see the sweetness of the hygienist's bright grin when she brought you back out around the counter, and how adorable it was not to be able to see you over that counter except for your two balloons floating above. And I certainly didn't miss your beaming smile when I grinned and ooohed over what a big boy you were and how brave the hygienist said you were to lay back while they brushed your teeth. And who could miss that super "Cavity Free Club" sticker and ribbon on your chest!

Noah bear, I love watching you grow up. And when you're not looking, I get a little misty in those moments. You know, like when I'm sitting out in the waiting room without you.


Heather said...

So sweet, Kimmie. What a brave little guy you have! Still working on that dentist thing with Nathanael...still definitely not thrilled to go!

Unknown said...

Oh the dreaded dentist is what we call it when we have to go. I'm so glad it went so well for Noah. What a big boy! I hear ya on the apron strings. My boy is dressing himself for crying out loud. I love it on one hand but it's just more confirmation how independent they are becoming. I get all misty too.

Emily said...

yeah, Brooklyn would be heard screaming all the way out to the waiting room. And there certainly wouldn't be a happy smiling hygeinist bringing her back out front. Our appt is in September

Laura Koslowsky said...

Great post. You captured the emotion of a Mom watching her little one grow in independence quite well. I got teary eyed reading it :) Glad to hear Noah does well with the dentist. David has always done well too. Leah on the other hand gets really fearful. Each one is so different.

Amy Faye Brown said...

Wait until he's away from you for over a week and when he returns you comment that "oh, my, you look like a man now" and he replies with, "yep, I sure do feel 11"!

Been enjoyin the blogs, just haven't been commenting. Miss "talking" with you!