Jul 24, 2009

Urgent Noah

Noah was upstairs with Josh watching Anna get a bath. Noah calls me with the urgency of a fire engine.

Noah: Mommy, Mommy! Come upstairs!

Me: Ok, baby. Why?

Noah: Mommy see Anna naked boohgee (read: bootie)! Hurry, hurry! Anna naked boohgee!

The reason Noah was watching that bath instead of joining in is because Anna had just thrown up all over Josh and herself, so Noah didn't need to be a part of that party. Problem is, Anna continued to get sick after the bath, and Noah continued to watch from the sidelines...feeling more and more left out. So he starts saying he feels sick and acting like he is about to throw up.

Noah: (in his puny, scratchy voice) Mommy, Noah feel sick.

Me: Oh no. Really, Noah? Because if you get sick we can't go see Brooklyn and Mimmie and Papa this weekend. We would have to stay home.

Noah: (eyes lift and light up, grin emerges) Mommy! Noah feel all bedder!


Heather said...

Cutie pie!

Unknown said...

What a little rascal!:-) How funny. I sure hope Anna is all better though. Poor girl, poor everybody!