Jul 14, 2009

Cain't Get No Respect

I scolded Noah today for talking back and for telling me "No." I got to the part where I remind Noah who is NOT the boss (him) and who IS the boss (me, in this specific situation). He knows the lines. We repeat them every day for one infraction or another. So this should have gone off without a hitch.

Me: Noah, You don't get to tell Mommy NO. You are not the boss. Who's the boss?

Noah: Daddy.

Me: (sigh) Yes, Daddy. (still looking for my name in answer) And who else?

Noah: (eyes roll to the ceiling in thought) Anna.

Clearly, the power has shifted in the house according to Noah.
Sadly, he might be right.
Kidding...I think.


Emily said...

haha! Now THAT'S funny! Anna has been the boss for so long...he assumed that when she speaks...you move.

Alison said...

Hilarious!! I love it!