Jul 13, 2019

Camp Pics and Feedback

The Annagirl is home from a full and fantastic week at Centrikid Camp!  She is hoarse and tired but so contented and pleased with all she did and learned and shared with friends - some highlights being a creative dance class and TP'ing the boys' cabin.  She loved getting to know a new friend while there and every second of all the girl time in their rooms.  Truth-be-told, she didn't miss us at home at all.  Ha!  Fair enough.  Middle child needed a break from daily life!  I am so pleased along with her to know she had such fun! 

Morning Time Along with God.  That's Anna on the right in the green cape.

At OMC (Organized Mass Chaos event on last afternoon).

The whole group of 3-5th graders and chaperones from our church.  There were 400 kids total at the camp this week.

Josh was entirely precious in his tucking notes in her suitcase for every day of camp.  Best Daddy!

Anna made a beeline for her bunnies when she got home.  Then she basically laid around alllll day and night, she was so wiped. 

Also precious to my heart were the things friends who chaperoned pulled me aside to exclaim on about our girl.  Things that make the back of your eyes sting, they are so kind and complimentary about this child we get to call ours.  

Another chaperone stopped me at pick-up to share, "Anna is just such a great kid!  That girl ... she's gonna be an evangelist.  She was so invested in all the talks we had.  You know, many would be silly in group time, but she was say the most profound things.  I wish I had written them all down..."  She just seemed so impressed with Anna's growing faith and walk and it just humbles me to the core to get to take in such feedback from those who get to know her!  One blessed momma.

When I asked Anna what was a lesson she took away from camp, something that stood out to her, she shared that she learned how the Lord has made her perfectly and that He will use her flaws for good things.  Amen, baby girl!  She also amazed herself by being so organized with her stuff and alert to schedules and responsibilities and getting to places on time.  She says she thinks it was because I wasn't around to remind her that she knew she HAD to pay attention better.  HA!

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